Chapter 2

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Standing still in front of Hannah's Baker locker. Roses and notes surrounding her locker. My light brown eyes looking at what the school has done in her memory.

"Jensen, long time no see." Turning around to see a smirking Justin Foley. "Yeah, had to figure somethings out." I said shile shrugging. "And did you?" Justin questions me walking be side me. As we look at the locker and the surroundings. "And did you? Figure things out?" He says making eye contact. His piercing blue eyes cutting into my light brown eyes. Taking a deep breathe. "Yeah I figured it out." I say giving a small smile at him. Before looking back at the locker.

Storming in the mens locker room ready to kill someone, them all. "Hey!" I yell walking in my curly blonde hair bouncing with each step I take. All the guys looking at me some half naked others with just a towel around them.
"Wooaah!" All the guys say while looking at me some checking me out. "Fuck off douchebags" I say walking up to Alex where Bryce, Zach, Monty and Justin beside him.

"Who the fuck put my name on that list?!" I say yelling looking about the locker room. "Ellie calm down." Alex says his eyes wide looking at me raising his eyebrows. Nervously looking around. "Are you fucking kidding me! Calm down?! Someone in here wrote my name down for best tits! I want to know who?" I yell looking around. My eyes cutting each one of them with my glare. "Oohh come on Ellie. It's a honor to have best tits." Bryce chuckled with a smirk on his face. The rest of the guys except Alex smiled. "Yeah really! If we had a list for smallest dick you'd be the winner!" I yelled a glaring at him with a resting bitch face.

"Ooohhh" the guys said while chuckling. "I'll show you otherwise." Bryce said looking me up and down. Only imaging what he is thinking about. "You'd be the last person I'd sleep with. I'd rather be hit by a car dickhead." I said with a smirk on my lips. "Penny please calm down its just a list." Alex said looking at me. I go and slap Alex across the face leaving a mark on his cheek. "Just a fucking list my ass! Pigs!" I yell looking around. Alex in shock not turning his head to face me. All the guys are now quiet. Looking around to spot Jeff looking at me fully dressed. Looking him up and down. Snapping out of it I spin around exiting the locker room.

Present: After History class I run into a friend of mine. Walking up to him across the hall. "Tony Padilla, still looking good as always." I say smiling at him. My eyes warm and gentle while looking at him. Looking up a big smile appears on his face. "Ellie, you're back." He says well we hug each other. "Want to go to Monet's and catch up?" I ask as we release from our hug. "Yes that sounds good." He says with a smile.

Past: "You were in the mens locker room?" Clay questions me as we enter the library. "And you slapped Alex Standall?" He say well going were Jeff was located. " Yeah your sister is fierce." Jeff says looking up at us. Smirking "Yeah well I'm not taking any shit from them." I say as Clay sits by Jeff as I take a seat across from him. My brother was taken back at what I did. His eyes widened and his brows raised. "Ellie you shouldn't of been in there." Clay said shaking his head. Realizing he was just worried about me. "I know I did what I had to do, it's done now." I say looking at Clay and back down. After Clay helped Jeff with his homework. Clay headed out leaving Jeff and me alone. "You know I thought it was hot and brave what you did Ellie." Jeff says while getting up. My cheeks felt like they were burning. Smiling nervously which never happens. "Thanks Jeff." I say with a soft calm tone. Jeff takes off as I finish up my math homework.

Present: "You ready Ellie?!" Tony yells from his car. Laughing I say "Yes coming!" Running to his car I jump in. Throughing my backpack in the back seat. "We going to listen to some good music I've been waiting to listen too again." I say while buckling myself up. Smiling at a chuck escapes his mouth. Grabbing a cassette tapes as he pops it in the cassette player. Turning the music up and windows down. Now heading to Monet's.

Past: "Ellie." Looking up to see Alex with the bruise on his face. "Hey." I say stern looking back in my locker. "I'm sorry for saying it's just a list. Sorry." He apologizes taken back at what he says. Closing my locker shut. Looking at him taking a deep breathe. "Thank you Alex. Don't say it or do it again." I say. "And I'm sorry that I hit you. Looks badly bruised." I say trying to keep a straight face. Bursting out in laughter Alex joins. "Its all good." He says while we keep laughing.

Present: We walk in finding a seat picking a table in th corner. I sit down as Tony stays standing. "What you want to drink?" Before I could say anything. "Let me guess green tea?" He says. "Yes you know me so well." I say smiling.

Tony's Prov: walking to I go get Ellie's green tea and my coffee. Walking up I see Skye working behind the counter. "What can I get for you?" She says looking up. "Hey Skye a green tea and a coffee thanks" I say. "Is that Ellie Jensen?" She asks while making our drinks. Looking down and then back up at her. Tapping my fingers on the counter. "Yeah she's back." Running my fingers through my hair. "Hmm it's been awhile. But good to see her again tell her I said hi." Skye says handing me the beverages. Giving her a nod I walk back to Ellie.

Back to normal: Tony cokmes back with my drink and his. Tony sits down and sets down my green tea. "Thank you." I say with a smile. "Of course." Tony says taking a sip of his coffee. Wearing black leather still looks sharp as ever. "I guess I should tell you what happened." I say putting my lips in a straight line.

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