Chapter 5

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Past: After screwing all night we went to Jeff's house. Falling asleep in his bed. Me right next to him.

Present: I ended up driving up to the spot where Jeff and me first had sex at. That night was amazing I've liked him for a while so that night was amazing.

Past: Waking up to my naked body next to his. His arm hanging over my hip. His head facing my back. Messy hair from the night before. Lightly nibbling my lip. Looking at him, delicious.

Groaning Jeff slowly starts opening his eyes. Smiling "Hey Ellie." Jeff says. Jumping up on his lap faving him. "Hi handsome. Ready for round mmm...60." I say giggling and smiling. Jeff doing the same. Looking into each others eyes seeing pure happiness.
"Hhmmm let me think." Jeff says.

Quicly switching place his body hovering over mine. Rapping his hands around my cheeks. As I put my fingers through his hair.

Present: Driving I arrive at my house. Walking in my parents in bed sleeping. My brother however was awake. Seeing his room light on. Walking up slowly and quietly. Walking into his room. "Hey." I say quietly.

Seeing my brother with headphones on and a walker in his hands. He sits on his bed looking down at the walker. Looking up taking his headphones off quickly. Looking up at me "Oh hey, sorry listening to some music Tony gave me." He say looking like he just seen a ghost. He seems stressed but, I'll talk to him some other time. Furrowing my brows a little. "Gotcha you'll have to show me sometime." I say looking around his room. "Yeah defiantly." He says.

"Goodnight Clay.."
"Goodnight Ellie."

Past: That list... I was furious. I made up with Alex. But, Justin Foley, Bryce Walker and the rest of them are still pigs. Realizing that the new girl was on the list Hannah; Hannah Baker. Walking up to her after my last class. Hannah looking in her locker. Noticing me she looks up.

"Hey do you want to get coffee maybe Monet's?" I ask running my fingers through my hair. Looking around "sure." She says. Jessica walking by glaring at Hannah. Hannah looking down. As I made eye contact with her. Jessica looks forward. Her brown curly hair flowing to the sides of his face.

Arriving at Monet's Hannah sitting down. As I grabbed the two coffees. Walking back over seeing Hannah...she looked stressed worried. Sitting down I give her her coffee. Examining her "Hannah are you okay?" Furrowing my eyebrows.

Snapping out of it "Yeah. Sorry just tired." She lies.

"I don't think thats why... Hannah you and me where on that list....and I saw you and Jessica few days ago." I softly say. Hannah looking down at her cup of coffee. Her lips apart taking a deep breathe.

" Yeah it was nothing. I mean I'll be okay I promise." She says taking a sip of her coffee.

"Yeah." I mumbled.
"I heard you slapped Alex in the guy's changing room." She say putting her coffee.

Smirking lightly "Yeah he deserved it. But we made up." Saying looking into her eyes.

Present: Going to school like normal. Students hiding behind their masks. Including me to keep my secret until I figure shit out.

Seeing Tony getting out of his red hot car.

Noticing Tony staring at my brother. Clay with his headphones on and walkman in his hands. 'What is that? What is in it?' I think to myself.

(Skip to first mod/class)

Sitting down towards the back taking my backpack off. I spot Marcus looking at me off the corner of my eye. Glaring at me I should say. Slowly looking up. Shooting a glare at him. 'Why did he glare at me? I haven't talked to him in a while or done anything to him.' Waiting for him to back down.

The bell rang calling us back to reality. Both us quickly snapping out of it.

'What the fuck is wrong with people these people?'

Noticing my brother, distracted and nervous?

He's not like that very often I haven't seen him like that in years. Something is not right.

Bell ringing grabbing my shit my curly blonde locks following after me. Chatching my brother. Putting my hand on his shoulder tightly.

Clay turns around flinching at my sudden touch. "Ellie, what's up?" Clay asks looking at with furrowed brows. He looks anxious? Something... Doing the same furrowing my brows as well. Slightly above a wisper yelling. "What the fuck is wrong with? Besides that Hannah is dead. Something more off than usual what is it?" I say my eyes searching him. Confusion and anger fludding inside me. Not from my brother but, from myself. Confused about well....everything. Anger at all my shit in my life.

But, we all got shit right? But some more than others. More serious than others. You've got a glimpse into my life snip its to my story. Some of my past some of present time. But that's just the beginning of my story. Sit done grab a drink a snack get cozy cause I'm about to tell you everything.

Im Ellie Jensen for anyone that doesn't know.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2019 ⏰

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