Chapter 3

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Packing my clothes,makeup, and other necessities. After rushing tonp put everything in my blue duffle bag. Slinging the strap over my shoulder. Peering over at my night stand with 5 letters, cealed and ready to be delivered. Grabbing the letters I exit slowly opening the door as I walk down stairs. Rushing to the cabinet grabbing some snacks for on the way. Looking around at my home walking into the living room. Seeing pictures of me and Clay, family photo's, track photos and school pictures. My eyes start to water up. Realizing what I'm leaving. But know I need to do it.

A few tear drops fall from my eyes running down my face. Quickly wiping my tears away. Setting three of the letter on the table in the living room. But before taking off I grab a picture of mg family. Before all the shit happened or before I noticed. He's gone and I can't fix it. I have to go I think to myself. Stuffing the picture into my bag. Slipping on my shoes and taking off.

Arriving at Hannah slipping the letter under the door.

Hannah's point of view: Suddenly woken up. Moving my hand around trying to find my phone as I keep my eyes shut. After searching what felt like forever. I found my phone turning it on. The clock read 5 am, why am I awake? I think to myself. Head down stairs grabbing a banana to eat. I walk to the living room.

Peeling the banana and taking a bite. I walk towards the living room to see a corner of a envolope peeking out. Opening the door to see the envolope read 'Hannah'. Bending over I pick up the envelope. Finishing my banana throughing the peel away. Curious who was this from?

Back to normal: After slipping the letter underneath her door. Driving to my last stop before leaving. Arriving at Tony's. Slowly stopping the car. Turning the engine off. Only to start crying again. "Ellie?" I heard Tony say while looking in the car. Quickly wiping my eyes. Stepping out of the car. Now facing him.

"You okay" Tony asks a look of concern spread across his face.

"No, but maybe one day I will be." I sternly say. Pulling the card out of my coat jacket. "Here this is for you." I say extending my hand to him.

"What's going on Elllie?" He questions me while grabbing the letter.

"Read the letter. But I need to go call me if want." Walking up to him giving him a hug. Trying to keep the tears back.

Getting back in the car "whats wrong? Don't go what ever it is I'm herefor you." He says putting his hands on the window.

Looking up at him seeing a upset Tony. "I'm sorry please forgive me." I beg. Taking off Tony yells my name. Getting further amd further away.

My tears falling down my face one after another. Like a facutte my tears keep coming. Wetting my checks. Did I make the right decision? I hope so. I think to myself.


"What happened after?" Tony asks.
Looking up from my drink.
"Well in a nutshell I got a part time job. That allowed me to have the baby with me. Took online classes. A older lady allowed me to room with her. It was just me and her of course the baby too."
"Why did you come back now? I'm glad you're back but what happened?" He asks me as I take another sip of my tea.

"I missed everyone. I also thought about Jeff I was hurting. I needed you guys. Realizing I should of never left. I'm sorry...I'm sorry I hurt you." Softly saying to him as I look at him. My eyes filled with guilt and hurt.

Looking up his eyes meet mine. Expecting to see anger in his eyes I saw something completely different. A sympathetic look on his face. As his eyes tell me its okay.
"I forgive you....we better get going so we're not tired for school." Getting up he leaves a $7 tip. Walking out jumping into his car. I feel as though a boulder was lifted off my chest. Smiling at each other as he turns the engine on. Taking off the wind hitting my face. Lights shining through the darkness.

Past: Working at Monets, I've been working there for about a year now. Making great tips and the cash isnt bad at all. Walking over to a table and washing it down. "Hey Ella." A all too familiar voice says. "Hey Katty Cat." I say looking up from my book. "So watcha reading this time book worm?"

Chuckling "William Shakespeare" finally looking up to see Kat and a new girl. Long brown curly hair. Blue soft eyes. Pale scareless skin.

Kat noticing me looking at her. My brows furrow. Who is she? "This is Hannah. She's new." She tells me a smile growing on her face.

Putting my bookmark in the page I was reading. Standing up, putting my hand out. Hannah looking at my hand hesitating at first.

After hesitating we she hands. Separating "Hi I'm Ellie." Sharing a smile with her. A small smile appears across her lips.

"So, into William Shakespeare?" She asks pointing to the book.

"Yeah, I like poetry. And you?" I say.
"Yeah I want to be a writer one day." She says her her eyes lighting up. I can tell she's passionate.

"Awesome if you ever want to go over any writing. I'm here." I say smiling and lightly noding.

"Thanks" she says a smile grows on her face.

"So...I'm glad you guys are hitting it off. But, I also wanted to ask I'm having a go away party at Hannah's want to come?" She asks.

Should Jeff going to be there?

Thinking about it. Kat notices.

"It will be there." She says knowing I have a thing for Jeff Atkins. The only non asshole guy in the except Clay.

"Hmm...okay." I say laughing.
"I would of come either way." Smiling.
"I know Ellie." She say laughing lightly. Hannah smiling at the both of us.

"Catch you later Ellie gator." Dragging her hand across my shoulder blades. Giving my right shoulder a squeeze before leaving.
"Bye you guys nice to meet you." Saying while I sit back down.
"Nice to meet you too." Hannah says beofore exiting Monet's. Going back to reading William Shakespeare.

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