Part 8

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Daryl had seen many versions of Carol in his time of being friends with her. From her being a beaten wife, a strong survivor, even to the woman who acted like a perfect housewife in Alexandria. But never in his time as her best friend had he seen her this angry with him. A deep scowl on her face as her arms crossed her chest. He'd gone to see her and told her every painful detail that transpired with Zoey, and to say she was pissed would be an understatement.

Daryl slumped into the armchair, wishing it would just gobble him up so he didn't have to deal with the mess that had become his life. He wondered what Zoey was doing since she left the house. He had left not long after to see Carol. Was she back at the house? Wandering around the community? What if she had left Alexandria all together just to get away from him? The thought made him tense and frown, his breathing picking up, and as if she could read his mind, Carol spoke.

"Relax, she's with Rick and Judith," she stated blandly, still mad at him. She had seen the girl storming passed, clearly upset, and she wondered what had gone on. Rick was sat on the porch with Judith and when he saw her. He was concerned and took her inside. She knew Zoey was yet to properly meet Judith and wondered if Rick thought the small bundle of joy would make her feel better.

Daryl visibly relaxed and wiped a hand over his face with a weary sigh.

"The fuck do I do Carol?" he asked exasperatedly. He sounded so lost, pained, and Carol's anger faded just a little as she sat in front of him.

"You need to fix it," she said firmly, making him roll his eyes at her and shake his head.

"I know that much, but how? How do I fix this fuckin' mess?" he sighed, resting his head in his hands.

"Look Daryl, you know now, she cares about you. She told you to your face. I knew it all along, Rick knew, but you didn't want to believe it. But now you don't have a choice. You shouldn't have acted the way you did, you know that and so does she," Daryl huffed, feeling like she was stating the obvious, he just wanted her to tell him outright how to fucking fix the damage he'd caused.

"You should tell her how you feel. Right now she doesn't even know why you acted that way with her, she just thinks you're an asshole. Maybe if she knows that you care about her, she might understand a little better," she suggested carefully. Daryl chewed his thumb as his leg bounced uncontrollably. The thought of telling her, admitting what he'd been trying to push down scared the shit out of him. He knew she liked him back now, that much was clear, but he still couldn't ease the nerves that crept up on him every time he thought about telling her.

"I don't know how to just tell 'er. Every time I think about it I end up gettin' mad," he admitted gruffly, frowning to himself.

"You get mad because you don't understand it, its new to you. When you feel it happening, you need to take a deep breath and just think about what you're about to say,"

"That's the problem! I can't think around 'er. It's like when I'm with 'er my mind just quits on me, and words just fuckin' tumble right out. I knew before, I knew I needed to stop, but my brain went to shit and I couldn't stop," he huffed angrily, annoyed at himself and his inability to be a normal fucking human being.

"Maybe you should make her dinner or something, make a night out of it, get her to forgive you. It'll be kind of like a date," Carol smirked a little. Daryl tensed, bristling slightly. Was this what would be expected of him if she forgave him? Romantic dinners and shit? He wouldn't even know how to do that if it hit him in the face. Carol saw his face and snorted a little, shaking her head.

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