Part 14

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Angst? I don't really know what to label this. Sadness? Hurt? Drama? looool


When Daryl woke the next morning, his head was thumping. He groaned and rolled onto his side, his hand blindly reaching out to find his girl, only to find an empty bed. He cracked open his eyes, wincing a little at the light as he glanced around like she would just appear. He huffed to himself before sitting up, rubbing his tired eyes. How much did he have to fucking drink last night? He hadn't had a hangover in the longest time but he hadn't drank in quite a bit. His body clearly wasn't used to it. The last thing he remembered was being sat on the porch with Zoey and after that, it was all blank.

He got up and slipped on some sweats and a vest, not having any intention of getting fully dressed just yet. He walked downstairs and when he got to the bottom, he could smell food. He glanced over to see Zoey in the kitchen cooking. She was fully dressed, jeans and a tank top, her hair up in a ponytail and he wondered just how long she had been up. He prayed he hadn't made a dick of himself when he was drunk the night before.

He walked over and she turned to look at him, a bright smile gracing her face. It made his insides feel like jelly and he smiled back, his heart swelling. It always did when he was around her.

"Morning sleepyhead," she snorted, making him huff a laugh as he closed the distance between them and kissed her lips sweetly. She gave him another smile when he moved away and he sat at the table. His head was still hurting and he jumped when a glass of water was placed in front of him with a pill. He hadn't expected her.

"For your head," she said softly, kissing the side of his head before moving back to finish the breakfast. It wasn't anything fancy. They didn't have fancy stuff anymore. So some scrambled eggs would have to do. Daryl washed the pill down and finished the water in a few long gulps, watching her with a trace of a smile on his lips. He wasn't sure what it was but seeing her cook in their kitchen always made him happy. She just looked so at home there. She was a damn good cook. He loved anything she made him. Not the baking though. She wasn't that great with that one. He always got roped in to help clean the mess too when she tried. Hurricane Zoey left quite a mess in her wake.

She set the plate in front of him before sitting opposite him, the pair started to eat their food.

"How d'ya know I was hungover?" he asked curiously, shovelling a forkful of eggs into his mouth as he glanced at her.

"You had quite a bit to drink last night," she snorted. Despite how calm she appeared on the outside, inside she was a nervous wreck. The words he said the night before were pinging around her brain. He hadn't mentioned it and didn't seem overly shy or awkward so she knew he didn't remember. She really wanted to ask him about it, if he meant it. But she didn't know how to. If she did he would get embarrassed, maybe even lash out like he always did when he was overwhelmed. Or if he didn't mean it and it was just drunk ramblings, she would embarrass herself. Her nerves were on edge but she kept her smile in place not wanting him to pick up on her nervous energy.

"Didn't do nothin' stupid did I?" he asked warily making her grin at him and shake her head.

"No. You behaved yourself. Except for trying to sleep with me when we got home," she said with a wry smirk, it growing when his jaw practically dropped and the tips of his ears turned pink. He knew he was a horny bastard when he'd had a drink and he shouldn't have been surprised. When he was drunk it seemed to be the only time he was overly confident with girls. But this wasn't any girl. It was Zoey. Sure they were together but they were supposed to be taking things slow.

"Shit Zo, m'sorry," he frowned, shaking his head as he lowered it like a child being scolded. She just laughed and he looked up at her again. He expected her to be upset with him but she looked amused.

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