Part 9

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Daryl's taut arm tightened around the girl's neck as she thrashed, trying to get out of the hold he had on her to no avail. He was clearly much stronger than she was and much bigger. The feel of the blunt stick digging in the side of her throat made her squirm more against him.

"Aaand ya dead, c'mon now girl, ya know better than to turn ya back on yer opponent," he chided, letting go and giving her a light shove away from him.

Zoey panted, breathless and sweaty as she tried to catch her breath. Daryl couldn't help but let his gaze roam her body as it glistened, her chest rising and falling quickly.

He had been training her now for a few days on a patch of grass beside their house, away from prying eyes. He'd been teaching her how to defend herself first and he was glad he was, she wasn't very fucking good at it and she was making mistakes that would definitely cost her life outside of these damn walls. He bit his lip as he looked at her, remembering how good it felt, having her body pressed up against his like that as she squirmed to get away. He knew he was being a perv but he couldn't bring himself to feel guilty about it anymore, not now things had changed between them.

Their relationship, if it was even a relationship yet, hadn't gone much further than holding hands. They were just taking it slow, letting things happen as they did and they were getting more comfortable about the idea that they liked each other. They'd hold hands when they ate, and when they went for late-night walks around Alexandria. He enjoyed being able to be close to her without worrying he was being a creep. He had not taken into account how close they'd be when he was training her. He wasn't sure if he was the only one feeling the sexually charged energy every time they did it.

Zoey sat down and flopped onto her back ungracefully, making Daryl smirk at her a little. He sat down next to her, bringing his legs up and resting his arms on his knees.

"Jesus Christ, I feel like I've ran a mile," She whined as she tried to catch her breath. Daryl snorted at her and shook his head, she did this every time and he couldn't help but think she was adorable.

"Quit ya whinin', big baby," He teased with a grin, laughing when he felt her poking his side playfully. She sat up and wiped her dark hair from her face, Daryl watching her flushed cheeks and glistening chest intently.

"I feel gross," she complained as she started to tie her hair up so it stopped sticking to her sweaty body.

"Look fine as hell to me," he hadn't meant to say those words. Of course he thought them but he wasn't meaning to so bluntly come out with something like that. His eyes widened a little and he looked down before chancing a glance to her. She was blushing furiously and smiling, a look he fucking loved on her. He decided he needed to be blunt with her more often if that was the reaction he'd get from her.

A few hours later, Daryl was near the gate talking to Aaron whilst Zoey spoke to Michonne near Ricks porch. Zoey was doing so much better now, even though she was still anxious, she really tried to make an effort with the people she had been talking to. The people that were closest to Daryl, and that made him happy. Now he didn't have that worry that her getting better meant losing her, he felt nothing but pride for how far the girl had come since she'd gotten there.

After Michonne went inside, Zoey was going to go and see Daryl and Aaron, but Spencer was suddenly in front of her.

"Hey, I don't think we've met yet, I'm Spencer," he grinned. There was something about him that she didn't like. Not in a threatening way, but she could tell he was annoying as fuck. She gave him a polite smile, not feeling comfortable enough to talk to him, but he didn't seem to mind as he just kept talking about himself. She zoned out, not hearing a word he was saying. She was too busy thinking about training with Daryl. His arms were fucking ridiculous and feeling them around her, feeling his hard chest against her back and his sexy drawl in her ear when he was being all bossy, it was too much. She found herself blushing to herself and looking down, nibbling her thumb to try and hide a shy smile. Thinking about him was making her tingle all over and she wondered when they'd get to kiss or go further than holding hands. She didn't want to push him, knowing he was new to all this. Although she knew he wasn't a virgin, she couldn't believe he'd never had fucking sex. She had been through a lot, but Daryl made her feel safe. She never would have thought after what she went through she would have these urges again, but she did.

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