Part 12

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Some shit you've all been waiting for. I hope you're all enjoying this story so far. I'm not sure how long this one's gonna be but I feel like it might end soon-ish. Not quite yet but maybe around chapter 20? I don't know yet, it depends what happens. Sometimes my muse throws shit at me that goes off on a tangent loool

This chapter is just like over 3k words of smut. But I mean, it's finally happening so there you go :')



Zoey woke the next morning feeling safe in Daryl's arms. When he hadn't been there, she had barely slept with her nightmares plaguing her. But she had slept soundly, feeling refreshed with him there with her. She lay there content as she woke up properly and then suddenly she was very aware of the bulge pressing against her ass. She expected to feel repulsed, to feel scared, but she didn't. She felt a strange tingling between her legs that she hadn't felt in a number of years.

Never would she ever have thought she would feel aroused again after all that had happened to her. Her body had healed fully in her time here but her mind was fragile. Yet Daryl made her feel safe, secure. Nothing was pressured or forced. And she found her body reacting to his in a normal way for people in a relationship and it made her blush. It was nice to know what she went through wasn't affecting her to that extent. That she felt so comfortable with him that there wasn't any fear there with something like this.

She nibbled her lower lip as she turned in his arms, smiling to herself at his sleeping face. He looked so much younger when he slept, so peaceful. He was so handsome it made her eyes hurt. And he didn't even realise just how beautiful he was. She looked at his broad shoulders, she didn't think she'd ever seen anyone with shoulders like him. She felt that tingling again and she found her hands wandering his body as he slept. She palmed his cock through his boxers, butterflies blooming in her belly at the contact. The first consensual contact in a long while, and she enjoyed it. He hummed softly in his sleep and shifted against her hand and it made her cheeks heat up. She felt like such a perv touching him when he slept but she couldn't help it. Her body was reacting strongly to him.

Her big eyes watched his face intently as her hand slipped into his boxers, gripping his length as she started to move her hand. A low groan left his lips as he arched into her hand, his eyes fluttering open with a furrowed brow. He was confused, he didn't know what the fuck was going on but he knew it felt good. She smirked a little, stroking him a little faster and making him moan. He gripped her wrist, stilling her motions and she frowned at him as he blinked at her, his brain catching up with himself. She was fucking jerking him off and he felt like he'd woken up on another planet.

"Ya doin' girl?" he asked, his voice rough from sleep as he stared at her. Her cheeks flamed red, unsure how to act. She hadn't really expected him to stop her.

"Well... I thought it was obvious," she snorted, trying to cover her embarrassment as she looked at him. A deep frown etched onto his face and it made her heart sink a little.

"Ya don't have to," he sighed, making her move her hand away. The rejection stung like a bitch and she felt so fucking stupid.

"Sorry. I just... I shouldn't have presumed you wanted it," she muttered as she sat up, ready to flee the room and hide in a hole for the rest of her days on the earth.

"Hey! I didn't say that!" he insisted as he sat up and grabbed her wrist again, stilling her before she dived off the bed. She was on her knees, unable to look him in the eye and he was kicking himself for not being able to vocalise shit better, for embarrassing her. She had caught him off guard and he knew this was a delicate situation.

Lunacy Fringe [COMPLETE]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora