1-Just the start

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Lisa: This is Lisa Lavender, reporting to you from VNN. Once again, we regret to inform of yet another murder found in the downtown district. Evidence showing to be the work of the infamous serial killers, Nurse. Making this the seventh murder in a month committed by the four known killers plaguing the city of Vale. The identity of the victim will remain anonymous until further notice. As such, the police department has now declared a city wide curfew of eight pm. Citizens are advised to stay indoors during the late hours and to report any suspicious activities. Now, onto the weather.--

The television is immediately turned off. Sitting in his office, Ozpin just stares at the blank TV as he lets out an aggravated sigh. He pinches the bridge of his nose as he pulls out four files from a drawer, three of them labeled with a "name" while one is blank.

He opens the first one, revealing some information on the recently mentioned killer. Nurse. Not much is known, given the information is only from a few eyewitnesses, only that it's female, wears dirtied old fashioned nurses clothing, wields a somewhat oversized bone cutter, and appears to wear gauze and a sack to conceal her identity. Along with the information is a rendition of what she looks like. Somewhat exaggerated in some cases.

Closing the file, he moves on to the next one

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Closing the file, he moves on to the next one. While not being around as long as Nurse, possibly one of the more violent of the four. Ghostface. Judging by the murders that are possibly caused by him, he is a sadistic man with his combat knife. And a clever one. Sporting all black attire, he wears what appears to be a trenchcoat and leather gloves. More noticable of the getup is the pale white ghost mask, hence the name. Paperclipped to the reports is a rough photo taken of Ghostface. Possibly the only photo taken of the murderer. The photographer, sadly, ending up as another victim soon after.

Moving on, Ozpin opens the third file with a label that reads Pig

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Moving on, Ozpin opens the third file with a label that reads Pig. One of the two recent additions to this ongoing nightmare, is a woman adorning a red dress and a pig's mask with a black wig. The entire look reported to have been a stolen movie costume from a local shop. The weapon of choice being a hidden blade contraption on one of the arms. A photo of said costume that was taken weeks before being stolen is seen in the file.

 A photo of said costume that was taken weeks before being stolen is seen in the file

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Finally, the last of the four files is brought up. This one being the only one without a name, as the murderer arrived not long after Pig. While not yet named, this fourth killer has proven to be just as ruthless and cunning as the others. A woman sporting a plain hoodie, pants, and fingerless gloves in grayish brown colors. The only thing outstanding about her is the disturbing pale mask adorned on her face. Two beady eyes and a wide smile drawn on the mask as a mock face. The photo along with the file being taken from a dashboard camera from an abandoned vehicle in the Forever Falls. Judging by the blood soaked murderer in the photo, the worst can only be assumed for the driver.

Skimming over all the files, a look of disgust plastered on his face the whole time, Ozpin pushes aside the police reports and removes his glasses as he rubs his eyes in frustration

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Skimming over all the files, a look of disgust plastered on his face the whole time, Ozpin pushes aside the police reports and removes his glasses as he rubs his eyes in frustration.

Over a year there have been a total of 57 confirmed cases committed by these four. The murders and disappearances only getting worse and more frequent as the weeks go by. At the very beginning, there were only reports of known convicted serial killers being mysteriously murdered. At first the police, hell even Ozpin, thought it was a vigilante taking the law into their own hands. But over time they realized it was just to take out the competition.

Ozpin goes into thought yet again on how to even deal with them. Any officers that get a lead and try to go after them end up dead or missing. Even Huntsmen and Huntresses tasked with finding them come back with nothing. Over time he had come to the conclusion that these four have, at some point, come together and formed a..... sort of agreement to work together. Making them even more dangerous than they were separated.

All Ozpin can do now is train his students, keep them safe the best he can, and wait for an opening to take these monsters down.

Within the not so pleasant parts of Vale, at around 7:30 pm, denizens within a bar quickly start to take there leave. The owner of said bar going by the name of Junior watches on as his customers head home before eight o'clock comes. He bares his teeth in anger as he throws a dirty rag on the counter from behind the bar.

Junior: God dammit! This whole serial killer crap is suffocating my business!

With customers now leaving several hours early, the bar suffers financially because of the new curfew. Junior turns to the far end of the bar counter and spots his two bouncers, Melanie and Miltia Malachite, simply sitting around looking bored. They see their boss staring at them and wait for him to give them an order.

Junior: "sigh" Screw it. You two can head home as well. I'm closing the bar early.

The twins stand to their feet, stretch, and walk towards the exit without a word. Junior starts putting away glasses and drinks as he prepares to head home himself. Although pissed, he harbors a bit of fear himself about the recent murders. Most of which are a little too close to his establishment. Not right on his street, but close enough to be reasonably worried.

Just like Junior, citizens of the city are now gripped with terror of the four killers loose on the streets. Maybe leaving the city be for the night, or prowling through the cement jungle for their next prey.


A/n: Once again, this is a collaboration between ProfessionalRanter and myself. So if you feel like this story is kinda shit, just remember that 40% of it is Ranter's fault.

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