12-All down hill from here

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Well, this has all gone to hell. People are dying, buildings are burning, and Grimm are pouring in by the droves. The VPD and Atlas forces are doing their best, but evacuation procedures are already underway. All in all, Ozpin is at his wits end with all of this.

The students within Beacon Academy were given the opportunity to evaluate as well. Most of them took the chance, but a handful decided to stay and help however they can...

Let's face it, if you've made it this far, you know damn well what's going to happen.

In the Headmaster's office, Ozpin paces about in a slight panic as usual. Eyes bloodshot from lack of sleep and stress, what with all the deaths he's incapable of preventing. In fact, it's almost as if he's causing more deaths the more he tries. These four killers have proven to be as dangerous as a certain immortal albino... And after a recent raid of an apartment, the theory of a connection between this cult and Salem was too worrisome to ignore. Especially when the city has fallen this hard in a short span of time.

Ozpin walks over to the office window and looks to the once beautiful view of the city. As the sun sets over the city, the landscape is still illuminated from distant police lights, fires, and spotlights from mobile airships. The faint sound of sirens can almost be heard through the glass. This once glorious capital of the Kingdom, brought down to basically a second Mountain Glenn.

With the majority of the city population evacuated, along with most of his students, the only people he has left to look over are some of the students that are either brave or stupid to stay here. This has somewhat helped fend off most of the Grimm, but it won't be enough when more show up. It would be best to gather all remaining students and staff and evacuate West to Vacuo. More airships will arrive tomorrow, they can take those and make their escape from this fresh hellhole.

They just need to hold out in Beacon and wait...

Within the halls of Beacon Academy, a few students make their way to wherever. No classes are being held after half of the teachers, along with several other students, were killed over a week ago. Can't really learn much when the idea of everyone you know being murdered all of a sudden is the only thing on your mind. So the kids just train and spend their freetime trying to help with whatever.

As the sun finally sets, most of the students have returned to their dorms to prepare for the evacuation tomorrow. A student by the name of Yatsuhashi, still shooken up over the death of Velvet, takes his leave from the library to return to his dorm room to pack. Maybe the remainder of his team will be able to return to Shade Academy.

Halls unnaturally silent, Yatsuhashi walks for a good few minutes before coming to a stop. The faintest sound of hissing can barely be heard further down the hall. Almost around the corner even. Walking over, he makes the corner and quickly spots something that caught him off guard.

Slowly walking down the hall is a robed individual with their back turned to him. Waving around a strange and bulky machine in hand billowing out smoke. The individual soon swings the portable smoke machine around and stops in place as they suddenly notice Yatsuhashi staring at them, a gas mask concealing their face.

The two stand around staring each other down, dumbfounded, before Yatsuhashi prepares to call them out and alert the other students.


Three darts are quickly shot into his back before he can say anything. The feeling of mind numbing numbness engulfs his form as he soon stumbles on the spot. A moment later, he falls flat on his face with a heavy thud and is out like a light. Standing behind him is another robed figure with a dart gun in hand. A gas mask over their face as well. The two look away from the unconscious student and stare at each other before the second one spoke.

???: Continue gassing the halls. We must prepare the sacrifices for our holy hunters.

And with that, they both go their separate ways as they fume the building with the gas.

Somewhere in the now desolate city, within an abandoned office building, three figures hide in one of the many rooms. One of them looking out a window with a view of Beacon Academy, glowing amber eyes glaring at the school.

Mercury: You're not going to burn the school down by just staring at it, you know.

Cinder soon looks away from the window and glances at her silver haired companion, who is just sitting at a table and messing with a staple remover. Across the room is Emerald, leaning against a printing machine as she crosses her arms in boredom. Not wanting to humor Mercury, Cinder just goes back to staring out the window and thinking back to how they got here.

Almost a month ago, the three were going about their business of infiltrating the school and waiting for their moment to strike once the Vytal Festival arrived. Then, all of a sudden, the three are arrested one day and taken to an Atlas airship for questioning. A video was presented showing Roman Torchwick admitting with the three's involvement to attack Vale... Right before getting murdered along with several others by the very four that ruined everything. The four that brought the whole city down in less than a month.

After that, Cinder swore she would get revenge on the four killers for ruining her plan.

A week or so later, Cinder and friends were released on some technicality or whatever. What matters is that they're back in the city and two out of three were determined to get payback. Mercury was the one that thought these two chicks were out of their minds.

He knew full well of what these killers were capable of, mostly from all the news of the several dozen murders, and has tried pointing this out to the others. Cinder doesn't care, and Emerald is basically her lap dog, so he has no choice but to go along with them for the time being. Maybe after they go to bed, he can make his escape and live another day.

If only.

From the vents, strange thick gas starts billowing out and quickly floods the room. This catches the three completely off guard as the gas swiftly plagues their senses. Emerald and Mercury are quick to fall from the knockout gas. Cinder remains awake from sheer will alone, but that is quickly dwindling.

From the entrance, the door swings open as more gas pours in with yet another robed figure with a has mask. This one, however, appearing with a more bulky frame. The stranger walks over to the loopy Cinder as she tries to stay awake. This proves fruitless as she finally falls over, the darkness creeping in from the corners of her vision.

???: Ahh, there you are... We were most curious why His cruelest was complaining about half a soul.

This was all Cinder heard before finally succumbing to the gas... Mercury definitely should have left sooner.

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