8-The hunt begins

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It came as a horrifying surprise to everyone when news of three murders within Beacon Academy's walls was heard. The fourth member, Sky Lark, was understandably sent away for his own protection and therapy. On account that he nearly avoided getting murdered. All of this was just enough to cause an uproar among the denizens of Vale. If not even the students of the prestigious Beacon Academy are safe from the now dubbed "Four", then what good are the Huntsmen at this point?

That was enough of an incentive for a small handful of Huntsmen and Huntresses within the Beacon staff to want to take action, with or without Ozpin's say so. Luckily for them, thanks to Ironwood's constant pestering since day one, they got the green light to do so. The meeting of what to do is currently being held in the Headmaster's office. Four other Huntsmen along with Ironwood stand in the office as Ozpin looks upon them.

The small group comprising of Glynda Goodwitch, Bartholomew Oobleck, Thumbelina Peach, Peter Port, and James Ironwood. Like a mighty fist, the five stand before Ozpin with the last standing tallest in the middle before him.

Ozpin continues to sit in his chair and stare at them after their explanation of what they are planning to do.

Ozpin:.... So let me get this straight. You five are going to hunt down the four killers.

Port: Yes.

Ozpin: By yourselves.

Oobleck: Precisely.

Ozpin: With no backup whatsoever.

Peach: Yup.

Ozpin: On the grounds that your combined Huntsmen training will be enough to handle four serial killers that haven't been caught in over a year and are known for strange abilities even a talented semblance user would find outrageous.

Glynda: That's right.

Ozpin: That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

Ironwood: Ozpin, I'm the highest ranking general in Atlas with years of experience to boot, Glynda has her OP telekinesis semblance, Port is a skilled hunter, Oobleck knows a great deal of human behavior, and Peach is a certified medical doctor. How in the world would we fail?

Ozpin places two fingers on his temple and slowly rubs it.

Ozpin: You know what? Very well, do what you believe is right. I need to do more damage control with the media. I swear, that Lavender woman is trying to cause a panic.

With a nod and a farewell, the five head out for the man hunt of the four killers. Ozpin believing this to be a terrible idea... Worst case scenario, they'll become martyrs for a proper search and destroy.

The five Huntsmen arrive to the city within an hour and wait till nightfall, where the Four are most active. The street lights illuminate the dark hours as they hold up in an office building to discuss their fool proof master plan.

Ironwood: We'll split into two teams. Port, Oobleck, and Peach will take the East end. Glynda and I will take the West. Sound good?

The rest nod their heads in agreement.

Ironwood: Remember, a lot of people have been killed by these four. Capture is a must, but if you are given no choice, kill them.

They all agree that's reasonable enough and soon head out of the building, three heading East while two head West. None of them noticing the two figures on the roof watching them leave. The glow of the full moon shrouding them in silhouette.

To the West with Glynda and Ironwood, the two duck in and out of alleys with the utmost silence. Both to sneak and catch any abnormal sounds.

Ironwood: Shh! Do you hear that?

Glynda: I didn't even say any-

Ironwood: SHH!

He raises a finger over his lips to shush Glynda. Once the two are quiet, they hear what sounds like faint sobbing within an alley. They sneak up to a corner and can now hear the sobs more clearly. And the sound of flesh tearing. Quickly making it around the corner, they see quite a ghastly sight. Kneeling over a heavily bleeding woman is a girl in a red dress... with a disturbing pig mask.

She plunges her hidden blade into the victim's throat, ceasing her annoying sobbing as Pig quickly looks up and sees the two staring at her...... She quickly gets to her feet and makes a run for it further down the alley. Ironwood on the other hand was much faster to react and pulls out his revolver, taking two shots at the assailant. One goes through her calf muscle while the second pierces her shoulder. The two shots causes Pig to stumble and fall face first to the concrete, sharp grunts emanating from her throat. Ironwood and Glynda soon walk over, gun still trained on Pig.

Ironwood: Well, that was disappointingly easy. Glynda, call the VPD and let them know we got one-


An audible thunk resonates from behind him, followed by the sound of something hitting the ground. He quickly turns around and spots Glynda on the floor unconscious. A hefty brick laying next to her. Thinking fast, Ironwood swings his revolver up. Only for someone to fall right on top of him with a syringe. They both fall over as the syringe is plunged into his neck. His eyes go wide before they start to go heavy, numbness slowly consuming his body.

The stranger on top of him removes the syringe and gets up, revealing it to be....... another Pig?

Mind slowly going, Ironwood watches the second Pig walk over to the downed first. They both make eye contact before the second waves a hand out, a faint black mist emitting from the hand. The Pig on the ground suddenly loses its colors before the entire form evaporates into ashes. Leaving only one Pig now.

As Ironwood sees this, a single thought runs through his mind before finally losing conscious.

Ironwood: 'What... kind of... bullshit is that...?'

To the East, the remaining three acquire a car to make it to their destination faster. Avoiding pointless conversation; Ghostface stands on top of a building far ahead, watching the on coming car. He raises Roman's cane up in front of him, looking over the firing mechanism of the weapon. Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out a familiar silver shell with a black dust tip.

Inserting the round into the cane, Ghostface takes aim ahead of the car. Pulling the trigger, a solid thump emits from the barrel of the cane as a black projectile launches across the air. The shot soon reaches the front of the car in a surprisingly quiet explosion. The sound of crunching metal, shattering cement, and three adults screaming can be clearly heard as the car does a flip before rolling across the road.

The crumpled up vehicle finally comes to a halt from the explosion, smoke bellowing from the destroyed engine. The multiple car somersaults caused two of the three Huntsmen to hit their heads enough times to lose consciousness and gain concussions. All except Peach. Sure, she's no less worse for wear compared to the other two, but she's still conscious.

Cut and bruised to high hell, Peach manages to bust the door open and tumble out proned. As she starts crawling, albeit slowly, Ghostface makes it to ground level and tosses Roman's cane to the side. He walks over to Peach's bleeding form, not catching her attention it seems. Kneeling down, he grabs her by the hair and starts bashing her head into the pavement.

Blood pooling up on one spot, Ghostface continues to smash Peach's face in until he is certain she's passed out.

After several seconds of bashing Peach's face into the ground, he lifts her head up to see a face that's coated in blood and lacerations. No signs of consciousness though.

Satisfied, Ghostface works fast to drag the bodies out of sight before any onlookers decide to look out of their windows.


A/n: The third paragraph is a poor attempt at a middle finger joke, by the by.

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