4-A simple offer

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Back to Roman, he continues to make preparations for the small travel and theft of dust. Possibly even more than most dust shops he's hit in months. Afterwards, he needs to have all the dust he's got moved to Mountain Glenn in a day or two. As he finishes commanding the White Fang to move the dust, he suddenly hears the sound of a bullhead flying overhead.

Roman: "groan" If that's Cinder coming to complain again, I swear to God, I'm gonna say something sexual.

Grabbing his trusty cane, Roman heads to the ground floor and spots several of the White Fang actually doubling their efforts. A look of confusion comes across his face until he spots someone walk through the main entrance. Not Cinder, but the top furry of this pack of animals. Adam Taurus.

He sees the red headed bull faunus glance over to him as he makes his way.

Roman: Weeellll, Adam Taurus! To what do I owe the pleasure of this out of nowhere visit? Don't you have factories to picket or some humans to linch?

Adam: Don't try with me, Torchwick. I'm only here to help lead my kin in the upcoming attacks.

The two go back and forth in conversation as the White Fang continue to work. Over to a corner of the warehouse, one of the members carries a small crate as he spots one of his friends ducking behind more crates. Knowing full well what his friend is doing, he sets down the crate and marches over.

W.F.: Lee, for the last time, you can't smoke behind the damn crates! It's bad enough that Roman could catch you, but Adam Taurus is here as well!

Obviously no response, he makes it around the corner and spots Lee with his back turned against him.

W.F.: Stop pissing around and-

Lee is suddenly shoved back, almost flopping to the ground as someone in full black is standing where he was. A bloody knife in hand as an elongated ghost like face soon looks up to the visitor.

Neo soon awakens with an ungodly headache, and a strange tightness around her wrists and ankles. As her mind finally clears up, she suddenly hears the sound of light sobbing and some sort of hissing sound. She opens her eyes and sees she is prone on the ground. Looking up, she sees the rest of her little team. All of them a little worst for wear with Susan letting out sobs.

The hissing sound persists and catches her attention as she sees a woman in a dirty hoodie and a somewhat blood soaked mask. What catches her attention the most is the handheld blowtorch in one hand and a red hot glowing knife in the other. Blade completely white, she tosses the torch aside and soon walks over to Susan. The poor faunus' sobs grow louder as the masked figure grabs her shirt and slowly brings the hot knife to her face.

The moment the flat of the blade touches her cheek, the sound of sizzling flesh is pretty much drowned out by Susan's blood curdling screams.

Roman and Adam continue to disgust the top secret plan when a scream pierces the air, practically making the Clockwork Orange fan to drop his cane. He runs towards the entrance of the warehouse and comes to a stop seeing the ones in front of him as he went pale. Neo was back with her little squad but they are tied up while all the other White Fang members from before have been gutted like fish.

Adam Taurus, chasing after him, stops at Roman’s side seeing all of his brothers and sisters slaughtered.  He grits his teeth in rage and rushes forward to attack. He swings his blade at Smile who grabs it with her hand stopping it before crushing it, leaving the bull Faunus with his shotgun sheath. He moves his arm while prepping a shell before Pig tackles him knocking the gun out of his hand before she ties him down with help from Nurse.

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