6 // School, school, school

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To anyone who has yet to read the manga: u fricking gotta read it, it's so good krkdke
jouno is best boy

Ok now to the actual chapter.
Started: 16.9.2019


You'd think the day Dazai went back to school, he and Chuuya would have never crossed ways again as if the weekend had never happened. But apparently, Dazai just couldn't be blessed with that.

Instead, on the following Monday, Chuuya greeted him, though didn't stick around for a chat and walked past to hang out with his friends instead. But still.

Oh, how he prayed to God the actually kind of cute ginger didn't think they had become mutuals. And no way had Dazai just called Chuuya cute, ginger, but not cute.

This morning was definitely not going according to his "blend in, talk to no one (and get good grades)" -plan.

The rest of the day continued as usual and he thought that maybe Chuuya had just found it polite to greet him. And they would never talk again, just like he wanted it to be. Even though he enjoyed Chuuya's company.

Tuesday morning, Chuuya once again greeted him and then walked to his friends. This time, to show Chuuya he could be just as polite, Dazai also greeted him.

But oh no that wasn't all that happened that dreadful Tuesday.

Apparently, they had been in the same maths class all year and Dazai had never noticed. You couldn't blame him! He just focused on the lesson and never bothered to examine the students around him! He would probably have never noticed if it wasn't for the other to sit next to him in class. Their teachers usually didn't care where they sat, as long as the pupils knew how to keep their mouths shut.

"Hi." Chuuya greeted as he sat down to the seat next to Dazai's. Dazai turned to him with a confused expression on his face.

"Why aren't you sitting with one of your friends? You seem to have plenty of those..." Without realising it, the way he had mumbled the last sentence seemed much more bitter than it was meant to.

"Someone's in a bad mood," Chuuya said with a roll of eyes. "And if you must know, you seemed pretty lonely, so I thought I'd keep you company."

It was Dazai's turn to roll his eyes, even though he was actually doing his best to stop a smile from forming on his lips. "I'm not lonely, I just choose to be alone."

"Sounds like something a lonely person would say." Dazai supposed he would seem lonely to other people. Thinking about it more, maybe he was lonely. He didn't even remember the last time he went out with someone, other than the trip to the mall with Chuuya the previous weekend.

After a while of awkward silence, Chuuya asked: "Do you even have any friends?"

Dazai didn't say anything. "Dazai?" Once again, no response. Before Chuuya could say anything else, he realised the awkward situation he had put the other in.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have asked." He apologised, looking down at his textbook for the first time since coming sitting down.

Dazai shook his head. "No, it's fine. I'm just not very social." Chuuya nodded, but stayed silent, not knowing what to say. At least both of them realised, they could get along if they tried to.

Until the class was over, neither of them dared to open their mouths, fearing that the conversation would turn awkward.

Once the bell rung, signalling that the lesson was over, Dazai began to quietly leave the classroom, until he was stopped by a familiar voice calling his name. "Hey, Dazai, wait a bit!" Dazai stood still and waited for Chuuya to catch up.

"Took you a while, perhaps those little legs of yours just aren't that fast," Dazai said teasingly when Chuuya had caught up to him.

"Oh shut it." His tone held sarcasm, but there was also a slight undertone of anger that Dazai chose he would rather not release.

"So, what do you have next?" Asked the ginger, hoping to move on from the previous subject as quickly as possible.

"Physics," Dazai said with a sigh. He had never really liked physics.

"Oh, I have PE." It seems that at least for now, maths was the only class they shared, that Dazai knew of.

"I'll see you around then. Don't die of loneliness!" Chuuya yelled as he started walking off to probably go hang out with his friends.

"Don't die of shortness!" Dazai yelled back with a chuckle.


Finished: 19.9.2019

Hnngh, it's kinda short but hush

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