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Keith – loner, shy kid, teachers' pet. He always gets good grades but he's the vulnerable type who doesn't have any friends and sits alone in the cafeteria. He puts up a strong guard and is rude to people that try to talk to him so that he doesn't get hurt

Lance – star football player. Also does dance and theatre and is totally out there. He has the biggest friend group out of everyone in the school and the teachers and people in general totally adore him.

Shiro – the total dad of the friend group. Really close with pidge, matt and their parents. Dating Allura currently.

Allura – prettiest and most popular girl in school. She is also secretly a bully online as she knows Shiro would dump her if he found out

Lotor – bully. He's got three other people who he walks the school with and everyone avoids him because he's mean and not nice to ANYONE.

Matt – total science geek. In a class with Shiro. Pidge's older brother. Computer nerd. Sweet.

Pidge – a computer genius. She knows everything about everyone... everyone other than Keith. She looooves peanut butter and video games.

Hunk – cinnamon roll. He loves food and baking. He's always volunteering at the animal shelter and at the nurse's office.

((My Unpopular opinion: I actually majorly ship Lotor and Shiro because of a role-play I have with a friend of mine. We paint Lotor as the type with a strong mean guard but who is actually really soft and broken ))

And more to be shown but that's the main 

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