The proposal chapter 2

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It was the next day , Marco got dressed ate breakfast and left early , he was going to the stars parents to ask for there blessing to marry Star . As he approached the king and queen they greeted him and greeted them back . He asked to have a talk with them about something important.

As they all sat down Marco began " you know how Star and I have been together for awhile now " the queen and king answer " yes " , " well I wanted to ask you today if I could get your blessing to marry Star. " he looked at the king and queen and the king ( who was overjoyed with happiness) screamed " YES , take our blessing , moon and I have been waiting for the day when you would marry Star " as he said this he gave Marco a hug . Marco told River that he doesn't know if they will get married because Star has to say yes first . The queen reassured Marco " oh my dear , I just know Star will say yes , you two are perfect for each other " Marco smiled at them and asked if they could do something for him .

He told them that he was going to propose at the beach at Echo Creek and asked if they could be there when he proposes . The queen and king happily agreed and Marco was on this way to his parents house .

When he got there he was greeted by his sister and his parents . They were all so happy to see Marco again . Marco asked for everyone to sit down because he had some important news to tell them . As they all say down , Marco began to speak " ok , I came here because I have something I want to tell you guys , tomorrow I am Going to propose to Star at Echo Creek beach and asked I want you guys to be there when I propose ." All of them were left in shook until his sister broke the silence " OMG , my big bro is going to get married " she ran towards him to give him a hug and then Mr and Mrs Diaz did too .

They were all overwhelmed with excitement and Mrs Diaz asked to see the ring . Marco showed the ring to his mom . She was so happy then his sister asked to see the ring and they were amazed. Me Diaz came up to Marco and told him was proud of him . Marco smiled and after everyone saw the ring he left .

It was around 5:00 pm and Marco went to the mall to get a nice white beach dress for Star . When he returned home it was around 7:00 pm . He opened the door and could smell something was cooking , he walked to the kitchen and saw Star cooking , he was surprised and delighted . She didn't notice he came in so while she was by the stove cooking , Marco came from behind and put his hands around her waist  and gave her a kiss on the cheek . Star put her hand on his cheek and gave him a kiss back . "Why did you leave so early ?"she asked " well I had to run some errands , ok " Marco replied. While they were having dinner , Marco gave Star a box...

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