when you ran away from the city

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Jack woke up with a gasp; his hands were still into fists. They were still digging into the flesh of his palms and trying to keep control over god knows how many clones he created with his powers in the last fight. He didn't remember much except for the two heroes that he got away from- and that he didn't get away with any of the money.
He loosened his grip, opening his hands and looking down at the depressions his nails had made in his skin. They were cut deep. He grimaced at the sight, rubbing his hands on the fabric of his jeans to try and take his mind someplace else.
Every inch of his body ached; he never wanted to use his powers in the first place. He didn't even think he'd have to use them when he started stealing and pickpocketing. Jack just wanted his dad back home in Metro City. Jack was nineteen years old, and alone in a city where their famous superhero had jumped ship and moved to a new city.
The dirty hotel room he checked out near the bank he attempted to rob last night seemed so much duller in the morning light. It wasn't as ecstatic and lively with andrenaline when he ran in last night for refuge.
He sat in the quiet room for a while, thinking about his next move. He didn't have his mom anymore; she was long gone since he was 16. Luke didn't talk to him much since high school graduation, and his dad was a hero in a new place called Achievement City. Metro City had nothing to give him anymore.
If he was going to get his dad back, he was going to have to jump ship too.

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