a poly relationship that didnt work

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When it first started, X-Ray didn't know where to start. He didn't know whether or not he was supposed to share Cookie, or let her go. It was nice that he finally got to be with someone he's adored for so long, but the love was drowned and suffocated with sharing with the enemy.

And Jack was not that big of a problem. He has obviously changed his ways, but you can't trust that. You cannot trust a villain.

It started with hand holding with Cookie. X-Ray would hold out his hand and Cookie would grab it. They would smile at each other, and X-Ray's eyes would trail up and meet Jack's. They were endearing. They were entrancing. They were unforgettable. Cookie would follow his gaze and she'd reach out and he'd grab it as well.

It was another relationship that X-Ray did not feel like he was a part of. First it was with Vav, and now it was with Cookie. The villains here don't kill you.

They kill your friendships.
And your trust. And all the little things that could make you feel like you belonged.

Dangerous in a different way.

And X-Ray couldn't say Jack didn't try. Jack was full of sincere apology and tried to make it work. He was also in love with Cookie, and if he had to change in order to get her, so be it. X-Ray wasn't so bad anyways.

But something always felt off. Sure, Jack could give a hint of a smile and nod in X-Ray's direction. But it wasn't love. They were only in it for Cookie. The other two had no feelings for each other.

Jack was a pretty boy. X-Ray could give him that. But he was still dangerous and things didn't sit right with him. The way he looked at X-Ray. There was still fire in his eyes.

And funny, how when he saw the fire in Cookie's eyes he found it beautiful.

Jack can pretend. Jack can play games. Jack can fake everything. It's the one thing he's good at. He makes illusions as an occupation.

But Jack can be everything except be in love correctly.

So it wasn't a mistake when Jeremy came back to see Cookie. He's become a writer in another city, and came to Achievement City to report. He was just another civilian chasing the action of superheroes. Seeing Cookie was inevitable.

They clicked perfectly. It's like she never left at their Highschool Prom. They fell in love again.

And X-Ray was happy. He lost Cookie, but she got back someone she cared about. And besides, she couldn't stand another day between two people who hated each other. X-Ray understood the situation.

Jack on the other hand, did not. The pent up anger he had from the relationship came out like fire. The fire from his eyes drained and removed itself and spat out of his mouth with each heavy breath.
X-Ray has to keep to himself that he saw this coming.

Jack went into his room and slammed the door. He didn't come out the next day. Or the next. Or the day after that.

They realized he was gone when they heard glass shattering, ringing throughout the entire city.

hey! i miss youTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon