capturing some amateur villain

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X-Ray entered the basement before jumping back in alarm at the sight of a body crashed on the couch. "Shit, is that who I think it is? How the hell did he get in here?" He walked around the couch, careful not to wake the person up.
"Relax, X-Ray." Cookie got up from the table at his arrival, holding her coffee in one hand and a spoon in the other, "Look, even if he wakes up he can't escape." She pointed with the utensil at the handcuffs on his hands.
X-Ray looked at her uneasily. "The guy can fucking clone himself."
"You're right."


"What the hell?" The voice was small and raspy.
Vav shot up from the opposite couch, "He's waking up- he's waking up!" He retreated besides Cookie and X-Ray.
He tried to move his arms but found it in metal cuffs. He dropped them, "Goddamn it," He let out a huff, "Where the hell am I?"
X-Ray rolled his eyes, his arms crossed. "In our super secret hero hideout, asshole."
Vav reached out his arms in front of him, a sign of trust and surrender, "Look, we just want to know where the Mad King is. Since you're a... you know."
"You think I know where Mad King went because I'm your enemy?" Jack's hair fell into his eyes as he looked up at the hero in blue with amusement.
"Yeah. That's kind of the reason we kidnapped you." Vav rubbed the back of his neck uneasily, a small nervous grin on his face.
Jack looked down before returning his gaze. "I can tell you that I don't know where he went. All I know is that he escaped. That's all." He held up his hands, "Can I leave now?"
Cookie slammed her hands down on the coffee table, alarming the other two heroes. "No. I know damn well you know something. Just tell us and we'll let you go."
"Well that isn't a very good way to be a hero." Jack gave a shit eating grin, changing the subject, "Letting go the bad guy just like that?"
Vav looked desperate. "Jack please, if you work with us we can let you off easy."
"It's not like you're a major threat to the city anyways." X-Ray folded his arms, muttering out his sentence and looking to the side.
Jack squinted, sarcasm dripping his words, "Really?"
Cookie rubbed the bridge of her nose. "Break it up. We need to know where he is. Now." She was getting tired of all the mind games and the taunting that seemed to last forever.

"I told you. I don't know. I just let him out and-" Jack cut himself off, his eyes widening and his lips pursed.
"You what?" Cookie barely caught it.
"I mean-"
"You fucking let the Mad King out?" Cookie was angered now, knowing that she had just been betrayed when he did it behind her back.
"Fine. I did." Jack groaned.
"Let's go. We need to track him." Cookie turned around, walking towards the exit.
"What about Jack?" X-Ray looked back to the supervillain who was still restrained on their couch, his guard down from the confession.
"Leave him. He'll get out by himself like you said." Cookie walked away, the two heroes following behind as Jack struggled against the cuffs calling after them.

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