stopping someone with emotions

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Jeremy hid in the shadows, holding the brim of his hat low on his brows. He peeked around the corner every now and then to see if Jack was still in the room.

He had one shot to take Jack in custody and save the day and save his girlfriend. It was that simple. If he messed up, God knows what Jack would do.

He stood up quietly, running low to the ground under the desk. He stared down the villain. How could Jack do something as ridiculous as this? How could he try and get in the way of a relationship? Jeremy stood up once more, but as he did he knocked over a framed photo on the desk.


He quickly leaned down and picked it up, but as soon as he looked up Jack was in front of him, his palm outstretched and his eyes dark.

"Jack-" Jeremy sputtered it out as he held his hands up, "I know I'm the last person you'd want to see. Just please-"

Jack didn't speak a word, turning around back to what he was working on. After a period of silence, he finally talked, "Did you plan on taking me down before anything happened?"

Jeremy gulped, "Yes."

"That didn't work out too well, did it?" Jack still faced in the opposite direction, but his hands were folded together and his mouth held a smirk.

Jeremy looked down and bit his lip, "I don't see why you're so upset over me and Cookie. It's stupid."

Jack turned around in disbelief, "It's stupid?" He questioned, "Its stupid?"
"I'll tell you what's stupid. I worked hard to finally get her to like me. Yeah, I'm not a hero but I didn't let her go. I'm not like you! I-" He kept his composure, "I'm not letting her go like you did."

Jeremy stayed quiet.

"You had your chance, Jeremy, and you blew it. Your mistake was that you let her go all those years ago. I'm not going to make that one." Jack looked Jeremy in the eye, "I hope you bastards are ready for a show tomorrow."

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