realizing that you never loved me

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As soon as the window had broken, Jack climbed out on to the roof and bolted. He was going to go back to his apartment. It was a temporary solution to his problem.

It hurt. It stung. How could Cookie just fall in love with someone that she hasn't seen in a few years? It was Jack who got Cookie through everything. It was Jack who made her happy and it was Jack who made her feel like she belonged.

He kept running.

He turned the corner into the deeper end of the city where it broke off into the Chinese town suburbs. A few pedestrians noticed Jack and waved, haven't seeing him in a long time.

Jack took the key from under the plant on the front step and jingled it into the key lock. Every movement he made was shaky and frantic. The door finally clicked and he threw himself in, tossing the keys on the counter.

He put his hands up, running them through his hair that was wet from sweat. He was restless, energy still spiking and he was bouncing in place. The apartment was not different since he left. Everything was where he left it.

He sat on the couch hoping he would calm down. They should be noticing he was gone by now. They should be noticing that he was no longer in the hero house. His leg started bouncing aggressively.

He got up and started pacing. Stupid Jeremy. It's all his fault. If he never came then everything would have been okay and fine. But it wasn't and it's all Jeremy's fault. Jack's fist clenched but this time it hurt bad.

He ran into the bathroom, gripping at the porcelain sink as he stared at his reflection. He felt himself flicking in and out of reality. What was going on? He stared at himself as a black aura flared around him.


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