vagabond in laranu AU

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"I miss this." Jack looked up at the stars with Luna.
"What, the stars?" Luna let out a soft smile as she leaned back, her arms holding her up.
He turned and stared at the girl, "No, I miss touching things. I miss talking to other people."
She let out a small smile, playfulness in her eyes. "Don't be ridiculous, you didn't talk to other people."
"Definitely not." He let out a short laugh that cut through the crisp air. He let out a low hum.

"Hey Jack?"
"How did you die?"
The question lingered in the air and Luna was beginning to feel like she had asked the wrong question, but he eventually responded.
"The war. With monsters and humans. After the king declared it, it was just genocide on both parts." He took a deep breath, "Five years into the war, murder was legalized for all monster shifters and I was-"
"You got caught?" She looked up at him in question.
"Well you don't wait till the last second, do you?" He smirked.
"Why did they get you? I'm sure you weren't bothering anybody."
"Ah, well," He trailed off. Luna looked up at him in alarm.
"Let's just say I don't take too kindly to neighboring villages." He flashed a smile, just so that a hint of his fangs were showing through.
"No you didn't, Jack." No reply. "But you're so- calm now!"
"After being dead for years you kind of get used to everything. Some 'succumbing to the inevitable beneath the eye of the eternal spiral' bullshit."
Luna sighed and dropped back completely to fully look at the stars, Jack following suit. He pointed to the sky where it was completely dark.
"You think so?" Luna squinted at the sky. Yes, it was dark. But so we're a hundred thousand other places.
"I know so. Jason told Seto, Seto told me and now I'm telling you." Luna stares at Jack, a small smile forming on her lips.
"You get information quickly."
Jack nodded and returned to look at the sky.

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