September 18th

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Hi hi!

I don't have much planned for today. One of my brothers and I are slowly fixing our almost nonexistent relationship. It's complicated and I can't really explain (I also don't feel comfortable telling EVERYONE about it). Yesterday he even got me KFC, which is a real treat for Chimi!

We are both trying...but it is difficult. We may never completely fix it, but at least we gave it second (more like 6th) chance.
If you give someone another chance, you have to be willing to stand next to the fire, and trust yo won't get burned.

And if that made no sense; I mean if you give someone a second (or more) chance it could backfire, and you could get burned, but if you really mean it then you have to be willing to accept it, but not expect it.

It's ok not to be ok! It's ok to talk! If you need anyone to listen to you, then just message me. I may not BEABLE to reply straight away, but I will definitely reply before 24 hours (probably before 12 hours).

Have a great day, week, month, year! Chimi out~

Song used- Hey brother by Avicii

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