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Every thing in life seems to be going well. Nikki and the boys are getting ready to hit the road, I have my job which I love. Of course I am not going to give up on my music, so right now I'm just working on songs. I may just put a ad out and see what happens, but I am not in a rush. Nikki is at the club every night I work, not surprising. Even though we live in the same apartment, its not like he doesn't see me. But I think its more of a protecting thing, but its seems as though Tommy also tags along so who knows. 

Once my shift was over and we all went back to the apartment, Nikki wanted to talk to me. "Listen I understand you love your job and the money, but I don't want you to work there while I'm gone on tour", Nikki said to me out of no where. "Well I need to have money, and its not like you will be around to help with stuff, I still need to live", I answered back to him. There he goes with that over protective thing again. "Well I don't want anyone touching what is mine", Nikki said. "Well for one we mess around all the time, but I don't remember us being together", "It doesn't matter no one needs to touch what is mine", Nikki replied back. Well this isn't going anywhere, so I just put my hands up and walk away. 

After I walk into the living room Tommy asked me what was up. So I sit down and explain it to him, after listening to me rant he explained to me the way Nikki is. Which I knew he can be a bit possessive, but this was crazy. I continue to work at the club, I love it there and don't really give a rat ass if Nikki likes it or not. Because the last time I checked he loved what I was doing. My boss Mr. Allen wanted me to start dancing full time, he said that he was going to bring a couple new bartenders so that me and the other girl, Autumn could just be dancing instead of both. Some of the customers where trying to get more then dances when we were going between working at the bar and dancing so he thought it would be better for us. I'm not complaining because the money was really good. 

After about two weeks of just dancing I had gotten a few regulars, which was nice they were there whenever I was dancing, a few private ones as well. One night after I was done on stage the bouncer Bear, told me I had a private dance waiting in the VIP room. So I made my way in, and to my surprise it was Nikki. "So what is it I can do for you?", Nikki just sit back and smirked, "Do what you do best", so I started some music, it was slow an sexy. I straddle him on the chair and began grinding against him. I made sure to give him the full VIP treatment.   

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