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( two months later)

The album was released and was doing well, the boys are getting ready to hit the road for one of their longest tours. I was staying behind this time, I wanted to continue working at the shop. Nikki was upset but made me promise to come out a few times to visit. Which I said I would. 

They are leaving today, "Baby", I look up at Nikki from his chest. "Please don't do anything stupid while I am gone, I would die if something happen to you", "Well same goes to you". Nikki kissed the top of my head. We only had a little more time together, so I raised up and sit on top of him, I bent down and kissed him passionately this was going to have to last for a long time. 

I slightly woke up when I heard someone moving stuff around, I reached my hand out but Nikki wasn't there. When I turned around I saw him, gathering up his bags, he was dressed and getting ready to leave. I sit up against the head board and watched him, studying every part of him, the way his arms would flex showing his muscle, to his legs, god those glorious thighs flexing, god this man was amazing and all mine. His hair would fall over his face, but you could still see that jaw line. He must have felt me staring "Baby your staring", "Sorry, I just need to look", "I love it when you look at me", I giggled I could see that smirk, then he turned my way and I looked into those gorgeous green eyes, I wanted to melt, I wanted to cry. Which I must have started to do, because Nikki walked over to me and took his thumb a wiped away a tear. "Don't cry baby we will see each other before you know it", I nodded my head I was to afraid if I opened my mouth I would start crying harder. 

2 weeks later 

So I have been trying to keep myself busy, been at the shop a lot. Me and one of the other artist are working on a surprise for Nikki, in the form of a tattoo that I am going to get. Nikki calls every day before and after the show, they are currently on the east coast. Today is no different, he calls while I am at the shop, then I go home and wait for the call after the show, but for some reason the house is so quiet I can't handle it. So I go to my closet find some clothes, and make a phone call to a girl that I work with, Riki. She is cool, we have become close since I started working with her, she is currently dating a guy who is also in a band, I can't remember their name its Roses something. Any way I call and ask her if she wants to go out, she says yea so we meet up at the Whiskey. 

We walk in, yes my home away from home. Nothing has changed, we go up to the bar and order some drinks. " So is it getting to lonely by your self?" " Yea it was just so quiet, usually I hear Nikki playing or records something but tonight it was just dead quiet I couldn't stand it", "Is that why you are the shop so much?"" Part of it yeah", we continue are conversation, after about 6 drinks later I realize how late it is, and we decide to head out. I called a cab and headed home. As soon as I get to the door I realize that I never got Nikki's second call, I just know I am going to hear it when I talk to him. I open up the door, I hear the message machine, then I hear him. "Terra baby please pick up the phone, I swear to god if something happen to you I am going to be on the next plane home, " I pick up the phone, "baby I'm here", "oh my god I thought something happen", "no I just....i just", "are you fucking drunk", " I went and had a few", " WHAT THE FUCK", wait a minute you are going to get pissed at me, you left me here. "HEY HEY, don't be getting pissed at me", "Well I told you not to do anything stupid, and here you are going and getting shit faced without me there", "WHAT THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSE TO DO, YOU LEFT ME HERE", I regretted it as soon as I said it out loud. " I asked you to come", "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it", "Go sleep if off baby I will talk to you tomorrow", " I love you", " I love you too". I hung up the phone, that's when I realized that I wouldn't be able to make it without him. 

Without You // N.S. ( fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now