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This is going to be a big time jump...so I apologize ahead of time. Just want to move the story a long. Enjoy!!! 

Now that I am 6 months ago, I have been trying to plan the wedding. Me and Nikki both decided to do it after the baby is born. I am trying to get as much done as I can now. My last ultrasound they told me the sex of the baby, which I am keeping quiet about as well as the name I have chosen. Nikki knows but isn't spilling the beans either. The guys keep asking but I won't spill. 

Today is like any other day, breakfast, doctor's appointment, work. Nikki doesn't want me working any longer I explained to him that once the baby is born then I will be home. He seems really off today, he is being really short with his answers, I ask him what was wrong. "Hey was is up with you the last few days?", "Nothing, just get off my ass about it", is what I get. So with me being pregnant and emotions all over, I let it slide because deep down I wanna snap is twig ass in half. 

Riki can't seem to get over the fact that my belly is so big. She keeps trying to touch it, which I swat her hand away all day long. She keeps wanting to buy baby stuff and I told her not to because I am still not telling her the baby's sex. Which she just laughs and says their are ways around getting stuff any way. So she keeps bringing me things into work. I just let it go. 

Two weeks later....

Nikki has been in a better mood, I know he has been at the studio working so him being a asshole two weeks was most likely because of something to do with that. So me being me I just let it go. We are currently sitting on the couch, my legs laying across his lap. We are just relaxing until Nikki starts running his hand up my thigh. I can see in his eyes what he is wanting. Can't say I don't it my self. I have been denying him as of late because I truly do not feel very sexy. He seems to think differently. 

Sorry for the short chapter, just a filler to get us up to where I want the story to be. Thanks!!!

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