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After me and Nikki's roll in sack...it was the early morning hours. I was completely exhausted, the doctor's were right being pregnant just makes you want to sleep. So I rolled over to face him, cuddled up against him and fell asleep to the lullaby of his heart beat. 

It was morning, I rolled over to look at the clock it was 10 am. I sit up on my side for a few moments, I know Nikki is probably gone already he likes to get down to the studio early so he can try to not be there all hours of the night. So I made my way to the bathroom, one thing about being so far along is that you constantly have to pee. Once I was finished I made my way down to the kitchen, there was already coffee made and a note sitting beside it. At the studio, we are going out to eat tonight, love you xoxo N. He is the sweetest man in the world. So while I was sitting at the island enjoying my coffee the phone rang. 

"Hello, is this Terra?, yes it is...who is this?, Hi its Becca, Oh my god...how are you?, I'm good..it took me forever to find you, yea I pretty much disappeared, how are you doing...anything going on?, well there is a lot actually".

After spending a good two hours on the phone with my best friend from high school, I caught her up on everything going on, and she said she was going to be coming out in about a month so she wanted to visit and spend some time together while she is here. Becca was my one friend I had to tell everything too, she was like my sister, I felt bad that I didn't stay in contact with her but with everything that was going on I honestly didn't even think about it. I'm such a bad person.

Finally it was time for our date, whether that's what it is or not I'm calling it that. I was looking through everything I had but nothing was fitting, and what did fit I looked huge and fat. Ugh... As I was having my break down, I heard Nikki calling for me and heard him coming up the stairs. "Hey baby what's wrong?", kneeling in front of me while I sat on the bed. "I'm so fat nothing fits", as I sob. "hey hey you are not fat baby you are pregnant, it's ok wear something that you are comfortable in or you can wear this?", Nikki hands me a box, and inside was a very pretty blue dress but not just any dress a maternity dress. I grabbed him and hugged him tightly, " how did you know?", "because I know you haven't bought anything since you got pregnant", he really does pay attention. So I got ready to go out with my guy. 

Once we got to the restaurant, I seen the other guys along with their significant others sitting at a fairly large table. I missed the guys so it was nice to see every one. Sharise, Vince's girlfriend came up and hugged me, "WOW girl you are getting ready to pop", I started laughing, "not yet but in about 3 months", "well you look gorgeous", she said as she smiled at me. That made me feel really good, I have seen her since my birthday, I just really hope Vince doesn't fuck it up. 

After dinner we all said our goodbyes and headed home..... 

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