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"I learned it by watching you, Dad!*"

Zach coughed with a tilted grin. While the 1980's commercial played on Ian's iPhone, Zach couldn't help but appreciate the irony.

Ian's dad was heavy into drugs.

Ian passed Zach their acid-laced joint.

"Dude. So fucking lame," Ian slurred, wiping excess spittle from his mouth.

The teens sat under the knarled tree and continued filling their lungs with poison, rotting their brain cells without a care.

"Yeah," Zach commented absently. "Losers."

Their laughter soon died off, however, and like zombies in the night, they were left starring into space, watching hallucinogenic bugs spin webs before them, never hearing the sound of their own minds snapping inside their hollowed-out skulls.


This is a work of fiction but by no means do I want to belittle how serious an addiction problem can be. Too many stories blow over the real risk of recreational drug use. It can have serious, often fatal consequences. Addiction impacts the user but also those around him/her as well. If you or someone you love is struggling with an addiction situation, there is hope. Here is a resource that you can reach out to for help: http://www.recoverycentersofamerica.com .


*The Goldbers PODcast. (2015). I learned it from watching you-Anti-drug PSA-The BEST 80s commercial series. Web search 18 September 2019. Website: https://youtu.be/VvPvnwbYEPU 

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