1. Ms Anjali Singh Raizada : The Angel, Theirs And Ours.

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In the last three days, the rain hasn't stopped and the wind hasn't abated.

The severe monsoon rains and flooding have affected several parts of South India, especially Tamil Nadu.

Everywhere there is water, no matter if it is in a city, a town, or a village.

The entire state resembles a big pool of water with small islands of helpless people. It doesn't matter whether you are rich, poor, middle class, upper middle class, or lower middle class, everyone feels helpless.

Seva Ashram's phone lines have never stopped ringing for the past 72 hours.

The camp is now home to more than 100 families in need of assistance. The organization is also responsible for coordinating several relief efforts, including the collection and distribution of food and essential materials to several camps in the immediate vicinity.

There are around 100 volunteers in and out of the center helping flood victims. From high-paid professionals to daily wage workers, from college students to housewives, there are people from all walks of life here.

Just after a social media hashtag called for volunteers from Athmanjali foundation, they showed up.

Athmanjali Foundation by Anjali Singh Raizada.

Although the foundation has only been operating for five years, it has helped so many people in North India, and in its sixth year Ms Anjali, the foundation's chief operating officer, moved to South India.

They began their operations in Seva Ashram, Anjali's Guru Vinayak Moorthis Ashram and orphanage. Guruji requested Anjali to move to South India, telling her that South India was in need of her.

(There is an important Karama she does not know about. Something that will change the course of her and many others' lives. There is one undeniable driving force that will make it happen. There is love, what kind of love is there, can they name it, can they tame it, can they stand it. Especially since it carries their past?)

In a month, Anjali found herself surrounded by hundreds of destitutes...


'Anju Mam.. Could I have a couple of minutes with you?'

Mithali asked almost murmurous, as she knew Anjali might be on the phone coordinating a rescue mission, or arranging more relief supplies, or reassuring a family deserted someplace due to flood or....

For the past few days, this is what she's been doing without rest. For young orphan girls like Mithali, she is not just inspirational, but a pillar of strength.


When Anjali turned back from her computer screen and put her phone down, she replied, 'Ha.....'

Another positive thing about her was that she was always present and graceful, even in the middle of a storm.

Mithali recalled some of the hearsays she heard from colleagues and others about Anjali's tough life.

The mother of Anjali, who belongs to one of Laknow's traditional rich families, committed suicide on the day of her wedding. Afterwards, they were evicted from their family home. Both she and her little brother lived in her grandma's (mom's) house, whom they affectionately called Nani.The younger brother of hers built a business empire and reclaimed all the wealth and fame, perhaps even more. He was/is the apple of her eye.

After falling in love with someone, Anjali married her soulmate. It seemed as if she had found her soul mate, someone who could love her for who she is. Specially gifted children are special in God's eyes, but it's not true, especially when they struggled to walk. Although her own family treated her equally, it was her husband who shattered her life and tried to destroy it.

She was then cheated on by her husband and her brother somehow suffered as well. Furthermore, he plotted and succeeded in destroying their own unborn. How can a lady suffer all these things...

But fate didn't stop its play there.

Her brother's marriage also failed. After getting separated from his wife, he left India. It is rumored that he will never return.

His wife not only destroyed his business empire, but also did something terrible.

Due to this, Anjali Akka and her family lost all their ancestral property, including their family home, Shanthi van.

She lost her family home twice in her lifetime. According to rumours, she lost her paternal home after a lady, who was her ex sister in law's mom or step mom, had an affair with her dad and destroyed their family. A few years later, her daughter destroyed the wealth and peace of mind of the entire family and caused them to split up. All of them are now scattered around the globe.

However, Anjali Akka decided to devote her life to those who are at the disadvantage of society. She graduated from one of the most prestigious universities in US with a gold medal in social work.

As a result of the family turmoil, she and her brother moved to the US and joined their uncle's family. Only Anjali returned to India after completing her MSW. Her roots, her Gods, her tradition and her country were dear to her.

She is currently pursuing a PhD at the University of Bombay and the University of Madras in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme.

Rather than her academic accomplishments, her conviction is what distinguishes her.


Anjali waves her hands...

My God, for a moment, I lost focus as Anjali akka arranged yet another group of 4 volunteers to go to a nearby farm with the rescue equipment. She is so much faster and more efficient than the fully abled people here ..

'Mithu my dreamy girl..' Anjali is coming towards Mithali..

Everybody teases Mithali for her extreme slowness, and how confused and always lost in thought she is..

However, Anjali never makes fun of her. She always calls her a 'dream girl'. 😍

'Akka... You are being worried about by your family. They said you weren't answering your calls or answering WhatsApp messages. A couple of times, they called. Swamiji's Ashram Skyped with your brother.

'Oh Aakash..' Anjali said with a sweet smile on her face.

'No Akka the other one... '

'Oh what..'

She grabbed her personal phone and almost screamed.

Oh no, it's out of battery. Running into her personal room, she turned on her laptop and put it on charge.

The screen saver. A very old photo

A little girl holds a new born, how innocent he is... She thought..

'Chottee'.. It was almost like a prayer..

Oh chotte... There were mixed emotions on her face, fear, guilt, agony, and a sense of belonging.

There is 10% charge on the phone.

There is a photo of a man in his mid-thirties on the screen saver.

A very elegant, very dashing man with a very grumpy, rude face.

The same time the phone rang...

Anjali took a deep breath and said


(... To be continued...)

My dearest unknown reader... I apologize for the errors and mistakes in my writing, as well as the slow updates. I am a very slow writer and a busy crazy mom.

This is my first attempt, so if you like the story, please vote and comment and give me your feedback.

Mine and mine only. Another Arnav Singh Raizadas & Kushi Kumari Gupta fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now