4. The Phase Of Vanavas. Ahalya's And Janakans JANAKI

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An early December evening.

A small township surrounded by acres of farm lands with vegetables, mango and sunflower estates.

The township is famous for two names. 

One is Guru Janak. A bachelor in his late 60s dedicated his life for arts and education. He is living the life of a sage. Taking care of around 500 children, most of them are orphans living with him in small self sufficient accommodations and learning a curriculum developed by the Guru.

It involves art, music, literature, agriculture, farming, computers, cooking, martial arts and crafts. The students stay with guru for 12 years of home schooling. 

After that there is a private IIT model campus in the town funded by Ahalya Devi, the other famous name of the town, Widow of late Raja Siva of Thanchavoor.

The whole township once belongs to them.

Raja, himself was an engineer and met Ahalya Devi in Thanjavoor, where she was studying Bharathanatyam under the guidance of Janaka. Ahalya Devi belongs to a rich industrial family in Luknow, and in 1970s those families used to sent their kids to South during summer vacations to learn classical art forms. During one of those vacations they had their arangettam(first official stage performance)-often during the auspicious Navaratri period- under the guidance of gurus here in Thanjavoor, scholars from faraway towns and villages came to bless the children.

Ahalya and Ratna, her bestest friend from Luknow, performed Krishnas Rasa Leela and Ahalya played the role of Krishna. The cuteness and the naughtiness wowed and stole all the viewer's especially the young raja, who was the friend of Janak. It was in his family courtyard this performance took place. After an year they, Ahalya and Shiva, had their extravagant wedding in the same mandap.

Till date no other wedding beat that grand vivah. 

They had an amazing life together for 13 years till a car crash took Rajas life and Ahalya's right foot. She was depressed for couple of years. Then she decided to full fill the long cherished dreams of Raja.

 Raja believed in educating young children. Giving them the best possible education and subsequent job opportunities. So she started schools and colleges in their properties. Janak gave her all the support, now in her late 50s she is also thinking about retirement and a peaceful life.

Ahalya's Bungalow.

December 1st evening. Ahalya's P. O. V.

Ahalya was lost in her thoughts... A glimpse of the same.

For the last two years Guru Janak is slowly retiring from his duties. His adoptive daughter Janaki who is the current HR of ashram, is undertaking most of his duties now. She may not be 30 yet, but she is such an achiever and a positive presence. She is passionate, compassionate and empathetic, thought Ahalya. 

Thinking about Janaki gives a smile. Jan (as she affectionally call Janaki)  appears to be very strong but behind that mask and her thick glasses there is still a cute little girl, like the young Ahalya once. That is why I adore her.

I gave her the name Janaki. I still remember the day she came to our home, 7 years back, with Guru Janak. All he requested was not to ask anything about her or her past and I didn't.

She stayed in the dark corners of the haveli for all most an year. Never ever came out. The maids called her Janakans daughter, and then I shortened it to Janaki and later to Jan.

I remember guru telling me her name is Kushi.

That name, that seems inappropriate for her. The gloomy, sad flower. Almost awaiting to fall. Janaki, that was more appropriate at that time.

Now our Janaki is not going to fall again, she had arisen from her troubled past, whatever that is.

It took a lot of effort by the guru and inmates. To encourage her to join studies. Now she got a degree in business and social work specialising in education she also an amazing dancer. She is learning classical dancing and also teaching the students. Now she is going to do her MSW and its her final project. 

Once she finished her masters she can be one of the patrons of this educational establishment.

She only need some guidance, she is a quick learner.

She will get that mentorship, from one of the best in the trade an international entrepreneur. My friend Ratnas son.

It is by chance I met him in London for the international educational conference. There can't be many Raizadas with my Ratnas charming eyes. He gave an amazing presentation. I could see my Ratna all over him then I realised both of us are in the same hotel in London.

The evening sun setting over Thames we talked, no... I talked about Ratna. Our childhood, our Luknow days, more about our Thanjavoor days, which brought us closer. Her passion for dance and flowers.

Arnav was quite, all most all the time. He was listening to me. I can feel a pain his eyes. I was surprised to hear, he was not been to India for the last 7 years.

It was haunting me when I came back.
I knew how much Ratna loved this land, and now her son in a faraway Island.
I owe her big time. I need to bring her son back. Back to his homeland. Back to his loved ones.

And ? Am I doing this only for that? or..

Any way I was looking to lease out one of my large industrial estate near by to an MNC for their IT hub.

It didn't work out well.

I was not sure when I spoke to Arnav over the phone about the same. I already told him how much Ratna loved Thanjavoor. May be that persuaded him, he agreed to took the lease. He asked me keep this news under the wrap for the time being as he doesn't want any media attention. It was surprising for me. It's the social media age, even though we are not very keen on social media here, we knew that is ruling the world. Everyone is after social media networking and making themselves seen and heard. Here may be he is right he doesn't need it. His works may speak for itself.

Last year couple of the start ups he mentoring where here, along with his employees and site Manager, Kavya Mothival. They have finished their work now. In the last couple of weeks more starts ups Aarnav mentoring along with his own industrial base, ware houses, and Indian head office moved here. They set up , bought and rented numerous residential houses, flats and bungalows in the near by townships for their employees and visitors. Aarnav was right, he hasn't physically set foot here yet. However, the township and the nearby villages are buzzing with the impact. Now new local amenities are available to cater the needs of the new techies. There is new supermarkets, multiplex cinema hall, local cafes , more uber cars and more traffic of course. 

2020 is a new beginning. 

Arnav will be here. This will be his new Indian base. This will be an amazing opportunity for my Janaki to learn from him and work with him. I am looking forward to the same.

Behind Ahalya, there is western ghats and a big storm started coming up... And it starts raining.

(to be continued...)

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