On Infernal Ground

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Alec POV


LILLITH: [Ley lines are shown woman walks up to Jonathan] The ley lines do not lie, my son. 

"WHAT!! who is that demon and why does she call a shadowhunter her son?" someone from the clave ask.  

I can see out of my eye that every shadowhunter are looking at the warlocks. Im looking to, not at the warlocks, but at him Magnus. he doesn't look like he know the answar. 

the energy is plentiful here. soon, you will return my embrace.[she stands and looking powerful]

"soon, I hope not" Jace wisperes to me. I agree with him.


CLARY: [Clary is walking down an aisle and meets a Silent Brother and Imogen at the front] I stand before my fellow Shadowhunters to receive the rune of the Angel. I take this mark to honor Him. To bring His light into me. To join the ranks of the Shadowhunters, the guardians of peace.

I can feel how we all take a deep breath, when we are shown on the big screen, now they are all wacthing us. Even the downworlders!

IMOGEN: This rune of Angelic Power is well-deserved and long overdue. You are no longer a Shadowhunter in training. You have defeated our greatest enemy. Valentine may have used the Mortal Instruments to raise the Angel Raziel, but you prevented a wish from being granted. [Jace looks down guiltily] Clarissa Fairchild may your heroism be a shining example to Shadowhunters across the world. Congratulations. [A rune is drawn on Clary's arm]

Valentine is defeated...by Clary? and why does Jace look guiltily, what did he do? 

Jace and Izzy gets up and walk all the way to the werewolves, and hugs Clary. I get up to, and give Clary my hand, she did defeated Valentine...So she can't be that bad, even if Jace fancy her. 

She looks suprised ad me, but fortunately takes my hand! I don't know how it happend but now we all sits with the werewolves and Clary.

IZZY: Congratulations! [Izzy hugs Clary]

CLARY: Thank you.

ALEC: How did it feel?

CLARY: Uh... it hurt. No, it was amazing. It's just embarrassing with all these people around.

IZZY: Don't be embarrassed. You are the hero of Alicante. You went hand to hand with Valentine and killed him. So, stop being so modest. I'm gonna look for Mom. [Izzy leaves]

ALEC: Okay. What you did was impressive. But there's more to the story, isn't there?

CLARY: I told you everything I know Alec.

ALEC: Did you? I felt Jace die. 

WHAT!! I turn my head to look at Jace just to be sure he is there. I can see Izzy and Clary do the same. 

ALEC: He says he has no idea why, but I know he's lying.

CLARY: Maybe you felt him being impaled. It was a pretty serious injury...

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