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**Narrators POV**

Andrew blinked, shifting River's weight to the other side. "You can't just dump hot coffee on someone!!"

The thief rolled her eyes. "Well, I just did." She set her cup down.

Andrew huffed, checking the time.
"It's already 11:30.." he muttered.

River perked back up, going to stand but was held to Andrew's lap, not that they really minded.

"We need to keep moving" they said, rubbing their arm. "We still need to find a wallet that a certain someone decided to steel. " They glared up at the blonde girl.

"Oh? I thought we'd stick around. Perhaps throw a party. Hm?" She spoke, only glaring back at River with a smirk.

"Absolutely not-" Andrew stood, River in his arms. "We need to go. " he gently sat them down.

"Oh.. but I was having such fun!" The thief whined.

Andrew was going to say something but was interrupted.

a crash was heard. Andrew and the newly escaped prisoner turned to see River, their Galaxy print backpack upside down. "We are- out of snacks..."

Andrew blinked. "How?! We had plently last night" he directed his attention to the prisoner, knowing River was at his side all night.

'E.j' sat on the bed, crossing her legs, chuckling. "Hey, a few days of prison food spikes your appetite"

River glared. "First you take my wallet. With not only my money in it, but also my favorite-" they looked at Andrew. "But not you're taking my snacks!"

She turned to River. "Hm? Your favorite what?" She taunted. "I also adore sharp things. "

River was going to say something, but Andrew cut in. "That's enough!" He swore it was like looking after two toddlers.

"I'm going to go stock up on snacks." He grabbed River's keys, taking a 20 and a 10 from his wallet.

The thief watched. "Ya know, back when I was a kid, I could go into a store with a dollar and come back out with a drink and two candy bars."

Andrew and River blinked, looking at each other. The blonde girl had have been around the same age as them, that couldn't have been true.

"But now stores have cameras." The thief sighed, swinging her legs.

River snorted, Andrew face palmed.

"Child, no- actually. I don't care. I'll be back." He opened the door.

"Oh! I'll come!" The thief piped up. "I could use a few
Things" they stood.

Andrew glared at her. The thief sat back down.

"No. The less people who go, the less attention that'll be drawn to us." Andrew stated.

"Oh? Well I suppose that makes sense, but.." she let her signature lop sided grin come into view. "Can you trust us alone?"

Andrew looked at River, who was typing away on their laptop, a stuffed fox in their lap. He turned back to the thief, glaring slightly. "You hurt them again and you'll be six feet under, my dear. "

And with that, Andrew shut the motel door. Leaving the thief to blink in confusion, she wasn't used to others confronting her.

She turned her attention to the pyro on the floor by the bed. "Well, what are you doing?"

River looked up at the girl, narrowing their eyes before returning to their screen. "Nothin'-" they replied.

The girl peeked over River's shoulder.

"Is that- a diary?"

River flinched, not realizing how close the other girl was. "Oh- uh, yeah. I figured if we get caught, then at least they'll know how everything went up in flames. "

The girl nodded a bit. "That's neat and all, but you're just giving them more evidence"

River shrugged "if we get life anyway, then what's it matter? A life sentence is the same as two life sentences. Might as well make it all worth it. "

**Time skip because filler chapters**

Andrew unlocked the motel room door, out of breath from carrying the many bags of snacks up the stairs.

"Guys-?" He said, panicking slightly when no one responded.

He frantically began to look for his partners in crime, thinking something had happened.

Just then, River and 'E.j' came strolling in the door, with.. slushies.

"What the fuck- where did you go?!" Andrew said, setting the bags down.

The thief shrugged. "I got thirsty, and pyro over here tagged along. "

Andrew lifted a brow at River.

River just nodded. "So- whats up?"

Andrew huffed, taking River's slushy before taking a sip and returning it.
To which, River acted as if nothing had happened.

"We just should get going is all" he said.

"Ugh- still on about the wallet?" The blonde asked, slurping her slushy.

River glared, nodding.

"Fine." She picked up a snack bag, going through it. "Let's go then"

And with that, the crime commiting trio checked out of the motel, loaded up River's Prius and went on their way to find the wallet that was so important to River.

816 wc

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