chapter 7

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Midoriya changed their name to Legs!?

Bakugou: really?

Todoroki changed their name to Echo

Tokoyami: Todoroki please message me on a different chat.

Mina: oh Damn what's happening?

Kirishima: idk, but I do know what Imma name myself...

Aizawa: no murder

Kirishima changed their name to OwO_whatsThis

Echo left the chat

*Dark chat*

Echo: what is it

MCR: was the dark username you unlocked from the shadows of your soul a song by Gumi? Or featuring Gumi?

Echo: maybe

MCR: you have now been taken hostage by the dark side.

Heavymetal: we have cookies

Echo: ... Fine, but only because idc

MCR: you've chosen to unlock the decision that has sworn your soul to this shadowing chat room.

*Class 1-gAy*

OwO_whatsThis: yo, Todo, y u leave

Echo: don't question it

Legs!?: You ok? OwO

Legs!?: I just witnessed something more adorable than koda.

Koda: (^ω^)

Everyone collectively: H O L D  U P

Legs!?: Socks was chasing a squirrel and was hopping around like a rabbit. UwU

Legs!?: After a bit the squirrel got tired and socks caught up to it

Echo: oh no

Legs!? So socks goes up to the squirrel, boops noses with it, and calmly walked away

Mina: that's adorable!

Kaminari: Socks earned an achievement: +1 friend

Aizawa: I'm going to the dorms.

Momo: why

Aizawa: cat

OwO_whatsThis: Oh

time skip
Aizawa: everybody get in your dorm rooms, and lock your door. The villain league is being evil again

Legs!?: OwO

Aizawa: eh, I guess ur fine, Midoriya, just keep Eri safe

Legs!?: on it. She's playing with Socks
Time skip

Aizawa: Kay their gone

Everyone: *secretly planning to prank Aizawa*

Mina: well that was taken care of quick

Echo: yeah, it's as if it was going to be a big part of this story but the author chickened out

Shinso: w h a t

Koda: ( *・ω・)ノ

Ojiro: (^^)b (^-^)/ (^.^)

Koda: (^○^) (⌒‐⌒)

Bakugou: ...?

OwO_whatsThis: koda said, "explain please" ojiro said "okay! He is breaking the forth wall, does that help?" And Koda said "ooohhh, okay!"

Echo: how do you know?

OwO_whatsThis: I have my ways

Shinso: I'm going to bed.

Kaminari: *claps*

Sero: *claps*

Mina: *claps*

bnha chatfic (Discontinued, sorry.)Where stories live. Discover now