The Fountain

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The Moon~


He lays next to the traveler, stoic and silent like a gentle giant guardian. His head is between his paws as he watches her sleeping form in the corner of his eye from where he lays at the foot of the bed.

Despite his stillness, underneath the surface, he is jittery. He can't stop wanting to move or stand up and walk around. There is an invisible line that draws him closer to her and as he refuses to listen the more jittery he gets. He wants to get up and crawl over to her to comfort her. He can feel the anxiety and the hurt in her heart from Eclipse's return.

A soft growl escapes him before he knows it and he lifts his head surprised by his small outburst. Highly inappropriate coming from him. The Moon sighs heavily laying his head back down the movement making the traveler shift in her bed rolling over to her left side. He turns his head watching closely wondering if he had accidentally woke her, but she sighs softly before falling back asleep.

From his position he couldn't see her face and he found himself crawling towards her on his stomach trying to move as softly as possible. He lays down behind her back and peers over her shoulder at her face. Even asleep she looks troubled, her eyebrows were furrowed and there is a small frown on her lips.

The same frown from earlier by the fountain.


Her shocked expression turns to a confused look before settling for skeptical. He understood why completely and their first conversation is extremely important. He needs her to give him a chance to gain her trust.

"The Moon? Physically?" She climbs on her knees leaning forward to look him over with a raised eyebrow.

'Um, not exactly, but once the moon came into orbit with the earth thousands and thousands of years ago, the Sun created me to maintain the moon's responsibilities and then some. So, in a way . . . yes.' Despite is explanation making sense to him, she stares at him confused as ever.

He looks at the grass between his paws and thinks it over for a moment. Maybe if he says-

"Are you a god?" Her question surprises him and he couldn't help, but laugh. Humans always look towards gods to explain the unknown almost as a cop out from understanding the truth.

'No, I'm not. Those don't exist, at least, in all my years of living, I've never met one, but I do know a few entities who believe that they are and present themselves as one. Other than them, all of us know the truth.' He lays down crossing his paws before him in a relaxed position in hopes to help her become more comfortable in his presence.

"Okay, but you said entity, aren't entities gods?" She looks unimpressed.

'It's just what we call ourselves. The Sun chose that name to somehow humble our existence. We have a job to do and maintain.' The Moon feels his tail tap behind him almost irritated at her and maybe he expected something from her unfairly. She's her own person not like in his own fantasies.

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