The Meeting

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The Moon

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The Moon

As the Moon walks through the forest a few nocturnal animals come out of hiding to look at him friendly emotions fill the air as more animals appeared. He could hear their thoughts and most of them were excited to see him and some ask where his companion is. That's how the Sun found out about her, he reckoned, word spreads fast through Nat's animals.

The Moon pauses at the sound of an owl's hoot and he looks up to see an horned owl sitting on a branch high up a tree staring down at him. He lifts his arm and the owl flew down landing on his forearm digging its sharp claws onto his arm. He didn't wince and reached up with his free hand scratching the howl under its chin with his index finger.

"Nia, are you keeping a close eye on me?" The Moon smiles at the bird leaning into his scratching and it leaned back shaking it's feathers out making itself twice it's size before letting out a small hoot.

It nuzzles the Moon's temple before taking off leaving his forearm undamaged and he brushes a few feathers off his jacket sleeve before continuing on his way stepping over fallen branches and thick brush.

As he walks further into the forest more animals come out of sleep and begin following close by. Little forest critters, like foxes and rabbits run around his feet almost tripping him up, but after the Moon laughs all other animals instantly come out of hiding and surround him excitedly. Voices fill his head as they all greet him forcing him to crouch down to try an calm them, petting a few of the jumpy ones.

"Okay, okay. I know, I know. It's been a while since I've walked the earth like this." He reaches up and pats a doe on her neck who leans forward and sniffs his midnight blue hair. A small fawn hops around her and raises his head proudly showing off his white dots on his flank.

"Yes, you look great." He smiles reaching forward to scratch under his chin before lowering his hand.

A rough shove to the Moon's side almost knocks him over and he looks to the culprit on his right side.

A pure white wolf looks into his eyes and his breath catches in his throat as he gazes into its piercing blue eyes. It stares at him silently before glancing around its shoulder and deep into the forest.

The Moon glances up and sees a black wolf standing in the shadows a few feet away from them, its yellow eyes glowing in the night. She turns back around and looks at the Moon once again her eyes full of unspoken questions.

"Soon, I promise." He lifts up a hand to rest on her head, but pauses and retrains himself lowering his hand to his lap.

The white wolf stares at him the questions silencing and she roughly blows out a puff of air from her nostrils before turning around and trotting off towards the black wolf. She stops next to him and they sniff one another brushing muzzles before they both bound off into the night. There's a pause in the quiet of the night and the Moon realizes that the other animals had ceased when the white wolf appeared.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2020 ⏰

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