The Reveal

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The Traveler- 10 years ago

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The Traveler- 10 years ago

The Traveler closes her eyes breathing in deeply through her nose as she fights the melancholy feeling in her chest as she marches up over a small incline through a few trees at the edge of a forest. The incline drops into a valley at the base of distant snow capped mountains. Despite the beautiful view, the distance before her makes disappointment slice through her as her back aches from her weary travels.

She pauses at the nearest tree and leans against it wrapping her arms around herself rubbing her hand up and down her arm. She takes notice and looks down at the slight tan on her bicep growing up shoulder disappearing under her shoulder length blonde hair. She runs a finger across her skin over the few spare faint freckles she could see. She isn't sure how she feels about the slow loss of her fair skin. It's not that big of a deal, as she has bigger issues to worry about, mountain size issues before her.

She has no idea what she is doing. It's been a year since she ran from her mentor after he tried to ... what did Eclipse call it? Groom her? She shivers at the thought and absently rubs her wrist where her mentor grabbed her when she was escaping from him. That man was truly evil and she is glad Eclipse saved her when he did.


Goosebumps crop up on her arms at the thought of his name. A mystery in of himself. She didn't understand him or who he is. She convinced herself a long time ago that he's just a magic type like her, but something tells her that he's much more than that and if he is, then why is he helping her? Why is he here? Why her?

She shakes her head trying to throw the confusing questions out as he would never actually give her a straight forward answer. A flower of frustration blooms in her chest and she wraps her arms around her knees tighter forcing the unwarranted emotion down.

With a sigh, the Traveler shifts her loose off-shoulder dress around her chest and bunches up the skirt as she kneels down to sit next to the trunk. She rests her hands in her lap looking at her palms. A warm breeze rustles the leaves above her the shadows on her skin and dress shifting sporadically and as she watches, a sense of peace overcomes her and her eyes droop closed.

Her head sways as she fights unconsciousness and she loses the fight her body leaning to her left away from the tree. She plummets into the darkness her body finally giving in and falling towards the grass. The last thing she remembers is something wrapping around her body slowing her fall and her head landing lightly on cloth.


'Oh, dear.' He smiles to himself as he holds her body up stopping her from hitting the ground as he sits down comfortably before laying her head in his lap. She responds in her sleep by curling her legs under her dress and pulling a hand from her lap to rest on his knee.

A part of him wants to wake her and keep her moving, but a very small part of him wants to leave her be. He watches her breathe slowly and a glimpse of her eyes shifting behind her eyelids brought his eyes from her chest to her face. She had a few strands of hair across her cheek and a lock of hair blocking her eyes.

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