Chapter 15: Stars

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Got a secret can you keep it?...

This is soooooo unedited, sowwy. But, enjoy. I hope.

Chapter 15: Stars




Once upon a time, years and years ago-"

"How many years?"

"Lots of them, so-"

"But how many is lots?"

"Will you two sit quietly and listen to the story?" Nana Belle scolded, shaking her head but smiling her fond, wrinkled smile at us.

Casey and I shared a look and then turned back to her, our chubby little hands entwined and our mouths pressed shut, eager to listen.

"Where was I? Oh, yes. Once upon a time, years and years ago, there were two young ladies, sisters." She eyed us over the top of her half moon glasses. "They were princesses."

Casey giggled in excitement next to me shuffled forward slightly.
"There was Casey, and she was six years old, and she always wore a purple dress."

Casey clapped happily and then reached up to fix the plastic tiara on her head. I rolled my eyes, my tiara never got crooked, because I always held my head up, like Nana Belle told me to.

"And there was the eldest sister, who was named Elizabeth, she was eight years-"

"Eight and a half." I corrected, lifting my chin in authority. Nana Belle chuckled.

"She was eight," she smiled at me. "And a half. Now, Elizabeth liked to wear a pink dress."

I scrunched up my face, disgusted, whilst Casey grinned in delight.

"Pink? Yuck! No way, Nana. I want a blue dress. No, yellow. No, bright green." My mouth drops open when the idea comes to me. "No! I want a sickly green dress. Like, puke green. Yeah, I want a puke green dress."

I grinned proudly, whilst Casey let go of my hand and scooted away from me, her eyes narrowed in horror.

"Ew, Lizzy! You can't have a-a puke green dwess! You're a pwincess!" She exclaimed, looking to Nana Belle for back up.

Nana Belle just shrugged, and and rocked back in the rocking chair, the knitting ball on her lap.

"Elizabeth can be what she wants, Casey. It's her choice, not anyone else's."

I stuck my tongue out at Casey, who crossed her arms with a humph.
"Can I carry on with the story now, maybe?" Nana Belle raised her snowy white eyebrows.

Casey and I nodded our heads enthusiastically, taking hold of each others hands again.

"The two princesses lived in a huge castle, on a hill in the centre of Wishland. Everyday in Wishland, was happy, fun, and blissful. All everyone did all day everyday was play and rejoice in the company of each other. Life was amazing. But, one day, an unusually dark gloom shadowed across the normally clear blue, signalling the beginning of a storm. Soon, it was night and the skies were pitch black, the storm had reached them and there was an eery feeling plaguing the town. It was coming from the castle.

Concerned and a little bit frightened, the two princesses hopped out of bed, grabbed their lanterns and went to go searching around the castle, only to find all of the maids, the servants, the butlers, the chefs, and even their castle dragon, were all in a deep, deep slumber. They tried waking them up, but it was no use. Suddenly, there was a loud crash, just outside the window and the shadow of a huge creature moved as the lightening struck, going towards the castle door.

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