chapter 3

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johns pov:
me and alex got back to the dorm after like 3 hours of hanging out with my friends and stuff.
"wow. that was a bit of an expirence" said alex
"yeah, sorry bout that, they're kind of a lot when you first meet them. also, sorry for kinda just forcing you to go even though we just met, i kinda feel like i've known you for like a really long time or something if you know what i mean." i said
"yeah, i totally understand i lokey feel the same. it's kinda crazy."
hi, my names ryan, and my life? is kinda crazy
god i need mental help, all that runs through my brain is like vines tik toks and the office oops.
"ok so, i feel like we should get to know each other better, like ummm with aaaa game maybe" i know it's kinda risky but hey i wanna get to know the guy.
"why not," he giggled "how bout a good old game of truth or truth. i made it up so i wouldn't have to do any dares." he whispered the last part.
"bro.. i do the same thing" i said
"brooooo" we said in unison
we both started laughing.
we were sitting on my bed with my head near the wall and his head at the foot of the bed.
"ok ummmm truth or truth" i asked
"hold on i gotta think for a second... uhmmmmm truth?? no wait. truth. yeah." i giggled
"ok uhm top 5 movies go" i said
"well to be honest, i more of a book guy but i have movies too, but uh i gotta say pulp fiction, harry potter and the goblet of fire, the nightmare before christmas, sleepy hollow, and edward scissor hands." he said
"damn you've got a bit of a tim button thing goin on there huh?" i said
"what can i say, i've got a thing for young johnny depp"

alex's pov:
"alrighty. my turn now. so uhmmm truth or truth?"
"truth" he said
"ok uhhh how bouuutt, favoriiite animal and color ?"
"pshhh easyyyy. i like pretty much all reptiles but turtles are my favs, and green is my fav color." he said. goddang, he's like really cute frick.
"noice. your turn."
"uhm uhh idk. are you into memes my guy?" he asked. i almost screamed
"YO. 24/7 MY GUY. so like ya know how i'm always working on a project for some class?" i used air quotes, and he nodded
"i'm just looking at my tumblr feed .."
he bursted out laughing
"heyy don't be mean. there's some good shit on tumblr, you gotta admit it." i stated
"aight faccs faccs" he said "but lokey, this is kinda boring.. do you wanna just like, uh watch a movie or sum?"
"honestly.. yeah"

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