chapter 5

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alex's pov:
i wake up, and realize that i'm curled up next to john and i start to blush a lot. like when i say a lot i mean i look beet red. so i check my texts and see nothing. i'm not surprised at this point. no one ever texts me.
i get up and go to the kitchen to try and cook some eggs or something. i've never been some amazing chef or anything, but i love watching master chef so i can kinda cook. i decide i'd make some eggs and bacon and then some toast with hella butter on it.
just when i start to butter the pan for the eggs, john wakes up and looks flustered.
"bro where am i." he says
"hell" i respond in a scratchy demon voice
"well hell must be the shit bc it smells like... SO GOOD BRO" he says
"why thank you" i reply "i'm cooking eggs and bacon and toast with HELLA butter. want some?" i ask him
"uhm hell yeah. i like my eggs
s c r a m b l e d bro" he says in a very peculiar voice
"well great, me too" i start to giggle and i blush a bit too
"hey hey hey" he says, "......weener"
"......BAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA" i burst out laughing. i start to just straight up die.
"okay okay gimme some of that breakfast." john says
"alrighty." i say, and then we just eat breakfast and it's all good

johns pov:
after me and alexander eat breakfast we mostly just lounge around the dorm. it's kinda boring, so i start to watch tik tok, and alex asks me,
"hey what's that?"
"tik tok luv xx fam" i say mocking a fake british girl
"uhmmm okay. i'm gonna go work on my essay." he says
"dude school hasn't started. stop doing work." i say
"but like why. there ain't nothing else to do." he says
"wellll we could like go do something. liiiiike uhmmmm.... we could go to a movie? it's half off at the theater downtown. frozen 2 is showing." i say and smile. i've been wanting to see that since it came out, which was yesterday.
"hmmmm sure!" he says, "what time? it's like 4 now so we could go at 6 and grab dinner and some candy before." alex says.
like a date i think to myself. no no. no it's not. but like... maybe?? well let's see where it goes

(a/n): hi so i haven't updated in so long and i'm really trying i've been lokey stressed lately tho so i'll try my best to do regular updates :)

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