chapter 4

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alex's pov:
since we're watching a movie, we jump onto the couch and start brainstorming which movie.
"ok i wanna watch shrek, love simon, or like uhm pirates of the carribean" john suggests
"well shrek is always a possibility, so i vote shrek. but which one?" i ask.
"oh damn. ME TOO BITCHES AYEEEE" i yell back
so john grabs shrek 2 out of one of his bags, and put it in the blu-ray player that peggy gave him.
"damn, she just... gave that to you??" i ask
"yeah, the schuyler's are hella loaded. like deadass i always go there for like every holiday and like i honestly kinda live there. their dad is like my dad, and i'm like his son. we're all really close." he explains
"damn, i don't really have friends that i'm all that close with, i had one but we kinda lost contact." i say
"damn, i kinda know how you feel, but like on a different scale." he says
i start to space out while looking at his face. he's so cute i think to myself, but then i hear the into to all star and i snap out of it. this is gonna be one hell of a year.

johns pov:
the movie starts and i cant stop thinking about alex's eyes, they're a gorgeous kind of mix of dark chocolate with highlights of a golden honey color. i could stare into them for hours, they're just so soft.
about an hour into the movie it starts to rain, and personally i love the rain. but i get the sense that alex doesn't.
he hides under his blanket, and every time he hears thunder he jumps.
"hey, alex are you alright?" i ask
"uhm, i kinda have a thing with storms, my mom and brother and i went on a month long vacation to the carribean after my dad left, and there ended up being a huge hurricane. well, you get the rest. i don't like to talk about it much." he says
"shit alex, i'm so sorry. is there anything i can do to help you calm down at all?" i ask, trying to be as soft as i can be.
"i don't really know, can you just turn the volume on the movie up?" he asks
"of course." i respond.
i turn the movie up louder but not too too loud.
about 10 minutes later i see alex looking even more frightened, so i scoot a bit closer too him, so that our shoulders are touching, and i hold his hand. i'm nervous at first, but i start to relax a bit, and alex does too.
we end up sharing our 2 blankets and his body warmth radiates to me. i start to slowly drift off, but i try to stay awake for as long as i can.
when the movie is over i notice that alex fell asleep, and i think to myself that i might as well. so i slowly drift off into a nice peaceful sleep, with a smile on my face.

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