The Fight

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"S class vs C class," Dream said "well the winner here is obvious. Especially seeing how Bryan is my second in command."
"Battle... BEGIN!" She yelled.

"You can make the first move," Bryan said. Hearing him speak but only being able to see half his face was unsettling to say the least. The other half was covered by and ornate mask. It was a crimson with curved golden lines that sparkled in the sun, they almost made the mask look like it was covered in scales.

Jakey shuddered even though the air around the taller boy always seemed to be warm. He didn't waste his opportunity though. Pulling out his staff he shot orb after orb of light at the other wizard. And then...

The next thing Jakey knew he was on the ground. His opponent had some how ended up behind him while he was shooting and knocked him down. He tried to stand- to get up. To even move at all, but his body screamed with protest. Pain ricocheting through him, agony coarsening through his mussels at the slightest movement.

"And the winner is my guildmate," Dream said "obvious, I mean I am an amazing leader after all." With that the pain in Jakey's body suddenly subsided, and Bryan calmly walked out of the arena.


"Maybe some kind of pain magic?" Marshie suggested. After Jakey was done explaining what had happened during the fight. "Wouldn't surprise me," Austin casually stated. "Possibly," Jakey responded. "As second in command of the Wandering Coins he has to have something powerful," Josh said. Josh and Austin were the only ones in the guild who had won their fights. Fred had not taken part, but Austin insisted that if he did it would have given The Protecters an unfair advantage. Whatever that meant.


"I hate this," a male voice said.
"So do I," replied another man.
"We need to do something..." the first man said.
"Like..." the second man said.
"Make them pay...," he replied.

Electrifying blue light flickered at the males finger tips, illuminating his blue hair, tattoo, and strange burn-like markings.

"It's time brother..." he whispered.
"Yes, it is..." the other said.

In the sewers...

Brick was sitting in the bar. The 1 v 1 battles of the grand magic games had just finished. He had fought some guy from The Protecters. And ya sure he had lost- but so what? He was still more important than Stu.

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