Where am I?

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Jakeys POV:

How did he know??? I started to freak out. We had no idea what to do so we ran. Through the sewers we ran, until the walls turned from metal to stone and me and Marshie got separated. I hope she made it out ok. I start to slow as the sounds of my footsteps slowly began to soften. I look down and realize I'm not standing on stone or metal but moss. Looking around I see that this whole section of the sewers is overgrown. I know I'm still underground but I don't even think this part can be called sewers. The moss makes the hard ground as soft as carpet while the vines almost completely swallowing the walls and ceiling have strange buds on them that give off an eerie light in the cold darkness. I jump back a little as I here strange whispers echoing across the hallway. I look behind me but see nothing but solid stone. How did I get here? Where is here? Oh gods, where am I? Seeing no other alternative I slowly make my way forward. I gasp and fall backward terrified by the sight in front of me.

At the magic council meeting...

"This storm doesn't seem to be letting up anytime soon..." Eden said. "It's hasn't even been one day and over half the city has had to evacuate," Austin said. "Even with magic we've barley been able to keep the guild from flooding..." Dream grumbled. "That's what you get for having your guild hall in the sewers," Austin said. "Shut up! At least the other second in commands are helping out, unlike your teddy bear." She responded. "Fred is more than just a teddy bear!" Austin yelled.

The storm grew stronger and stronger, and the twins loved it. The people's fear. Their misery. The twins ate it up. To them it was beautiful. To them it was fair. To them it was revenge. To them it was justice. And they were only just getting started. Soon, soon...

-Sooooooo question, would it be a good idea to include Mitchie/Richeal (Michael x Ritchie)? Or would it make you mad? Michael doesn't really have a family in this AU soooo, um... ya? Thanks for reading? (I'm not at allllllll trying to up my word count by writing this) Bye-

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