How they met

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Some time ago...

Michael was in a bad mood. A very bad mood. What helped him when he was in a bad mood? The misery of others. So it was that he went for a nice walk in the forest to find someone to torture. And it just so happened that he found someone. He pulled out his scythe and jumped the person, but the male turned before his weapon hit. The blue haired man jumped away before Michael's scythe hit him. For a moment the twos eyes locked and Michael felt a strange feeling in his chest. Something he hadn't felt in a long time. But he ignored it.

Present day Michael...

Where were those good for nothing twins? They were suppose to be here already. Stupid, STUPID! That air wizard who was to observant for his own good. And that- that STUPID lightning mage! With his stupid smirk, and stupid mouth, always knowing what to say to get under Michael's skin. STUPID!

The sound of thunder cracking across the ground caught Michael's attention, snapping him out of thought. "Bought time you showed up!" Michael growled loudly. "Miss me that much?" The blue haired male teased. "Ughhh," was Michael's response.

*time skip brought to you by Mitchie*

"See ya," Ritchie winked at him. STUPID. It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair how he could make his heart jump out of his chest. How he awoke butterflies in his stomach. IDIOT!

Back with Jakey...

(*recap* Jakey found himself lost in a spooky cave, *insert ghost noises.* and finds something scary!)

Chained to the stone wall in front of him were 3 people. One was badly bruised and bleeding out from several gashes but still breathing. The other two... weren't... alive. The sickly sweet aroma of the surrounding flowers were so strong they masked the stench of rotting flesh. Blood stained the moss floor around the corpses. Getting up and taking a delicate step forward, the moss made a squelching sound under Jakey's foot. The sound of someone coming towards him drove him to hide behind a nearby clump of of vines. "Strange," a familiar voice mused "I could've sworn I heard something..."

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