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Popuko began to feed her newborn cat Nepgur as she listened to her girlfriend Pipimi speak. Pipimi was on the phone with an unfamiliar voice, which led Popuko to assume she was cheating.   She listened carefully to the conversation as she fed and patted Nepgur's head. "Mhm, yes." Pipimi nodded. "I'm sorry for the inconvenience Sir. We'll have it under control as quickly as possible." Pipimi hung up. She then went to the back of the house. "Pipimi, who was that?" Popuko asked. "Nobody of your concern," Pipimi placed on her jacket. "I'll be back. Watch over Nepgur while I'm gone." Rage filled in Popuko. "You're not cheating on me, are you?" Pipimi laughed. "Of course not. I just have business to attend to." Popuko was confused. Pipimi and Popuko had done everything together, even things like taking out Abraham Lincoln and Osama Bin Laden. "Bring me too, fuck Nepgur he's a mystical cat. He can care for himself." Pipimi rolled her eyes. "Its.. important. You cant get involved. It's my battle to fight." Popuko was zapped with a bit of rage once again. She snatched Pipimi's phone from her. She scrolled through her recent calls and found that the latest one was from.. The President..? "What the hell is this?"

? "What the hell is this?"

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"Well.." Pipimi began. "We have.. 'impersonators' among us. They copy me and you and the president wanted me to take them out." Popuko had never heard such bullshit before. "Ugh just say you're cheating on me with the president, that's the dumbest excuse I've ever heard."
"I'm so deadass." Pipimi began. "Just Google 'Bob Epic Team'. They're almost getting as much as publicity as we are." Popuko Googled them on Pipimi's phone, and she had seen hideous versions of themselves. She gasped.
"See? Wouldn't you be upset if that repla-" "BOB EPIC TEAM PIPIMI IS SO FUCKING CUTE." Popuko interupted. Pipimi paused.


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"I.... see.." Pipimi snatched her phone from Popuko's hands. "I'll be on my way now.." Popuko noticed the pain I'm Pipimi's eyes. "No wait, I wanna come and help you kick some clone ass." Pipimi looked at Popuko, who had already had hammer in hand. She sniffed. "Okay."

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