Obama's Last Name

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"Whatever." Fake Pipimi said. Pipimi took out her phone. "Keep it short though, I have to murder you soon." Pipimi's phone rang for a good few minutes. Then it picked up. "Thank god you picked up the phone, I forgot to tell you before we left.." Pipimi began. "We bought the stuff you love so much." Bob Epic Team Pipimi stared at Pipimi in confusion. "You know.. the good good... mhm.. Area 51.." Clone Pipimi rubbed her chin. It couldn't have been the police, because she was talking about drugs. It couldn't have been Popuko, she was locked up in another room. "Alright." Pipimi said, setting down her phone. "I'm done, you can kill me now." Phony Pipimi lifted Pipimi by her neck, beginning to choke her until she saw a small cat run through the door. It was Nepgur. The Fake Pipimi ignored him and continued to choke Pipimi. Nepgur bit into BET Pipimi's leg, causing her to release the real Pipimi. As BET Pipimi tried to get the cat off of her, Pipimi loaded her gun with one bullet. She shot BET Pipimi in the head, and lifted Nepgur from her dead arms. "Thanks Nep, and sorry I used the catnip as a bribe for you to save me, I'll get you some when we leave." Pipimi ran through the next door that was supposed to bring her to Popuko. A guard held Popuko in a capsule, and noticed Pipimi and her cat. Pipimi threw the empty gun at his head, knocking him out. "Pipimi.." Popuko said shedding tears of joy. "You.. you came to save me.. I'm so happy.."

"No time for sappy shit, more guards should be on there way, we need to kill the other you then bounce."
"Shes in the room upstairs recovering. Leggo." The duo hurried upstairs and a few guards stopped them with guns to their faces. Neogur began to bite all of them, distracting them enough for Pipimi and Popuko to pass. They ran upstairs, to be accompanied by BET Popuko, fully recovered and jacked. They had put steroids in her feeding tube, making her more capable to serve Popuko and Pipimi's asses to them. "Oh god," Pipimi said. "What do we do?" Without a word, Popuko went for her head with her bat. "DIE YOU BASTARD."

The impact didnt do any damage. "Damn it." Pipimi stared the boss up and down. "Popuko she has to have a weak spot. It's like those crappy ass Mario games we used to play."
"Whatever let's just hit her everywhere until she falls." BET Popuko laughed. "You believe I'd let it be that easy to kill me? My guards already killed your Chinese food in the hall." Pipimi looked puzzled until she remembered she had taken Nepgur with them. "No, you're bluffing."
"Walk into that hall right now. I dare you bitch. I swear on my mom you'll she a cat corpse out there." Popuko gagged. Pipimi had heard enough and began to dash to BET Popuko. She took off her bow and began to choke her with it. This pulled BET Popuko back, helping Popuko jab her nailed-bat in her chest. "Rest In Pieces nigga."

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