The End

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Popuko lifted the body of Nepgur and cradled it. "He was a pissy cat but I still loved him.. I'll miss you, buddy." She carried him alongside Pipimi outside and set him onto the Area 51 soil. "Sleep well, Nep."
They got in the car and began to drive to the White House. Miles from Area 51. They arrived and bowed before the president. "Mr. President, we've finished your mission." Pipimi said. The President smirked. "I'm proud of you two, therefore you've earned your money." He handed them a case of a million dollars. Popuko grabbed the case and cleared her throat. "Thank you sir, but may I ask why you had us go and not the military?" The president chuckled. "You see, we made those clones. They were made as a joke. We decided to have you two fight them as something to do. It can get boring being a president sometimes. We needed something to entertain ourselves." Popuko's eyes twitched. "You think our lives were worth a million dollars? Over this shit?" The president shrugged. "It was a fun blood rush, wasn't it?" Popuko balled up her fists and leaped to him, being held back by Pipimi. "THIS COSTED THE LIFE OF OUR CAT, FOR YOUR ENTERTAINMENT?" She yelled as she tried to get out of Pipimi's grip. "LET ME AT THAT ORANGE BASTARD." The President jolted back. He cleared his throat. "I'll throw in a bag of doritos if it helps." Popuko clawed her way out of Pipimi's arms and kicked the president in the nuts. "You're next on my list, fucker." She spat at him as he trembled to the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2019 ⏰

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