Red Trailer

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A/N:This is the same trailer but I altered a little along the other three trailers. I'll also be  doing a OC trailer after these ones are done, I hope you guys like this.

It was a cold winter in Remnant, as the vast expanse of forest behind her was covered in white snow. It was peaceful, and that was how Ruby wanted it. She only wanted to pay her respects to the mom she never got to know. She cared not for the biting cold, she only wanted this time under the full moon to spend time alone with her and her mother, Summer Rose.

Ruby turned to leave; she would talk another time. She began to take a walk through the snow-covered forest. It was calm and quiet. Too quiet. She sensed something dark. Something with killing intent and hatred for all things human. As she reached the clearing, her suspicions were confirmed. Standing in front of her were a pack of young Beowolves, ready to strike and tear her to pieces, with their blood-red fangs and eyes looking like they could almost drip into the snow.

Ruby only stood there ready, and as the first creatures came forth to strike, she was gone in a cloud of rose petals, and leapt in the air, with her silver eyes shining with a determination and calm like that of the Huntsmen she longed to fight alongside with. It was her turn to strike.

She quickly unholstered her weapon, and aimed. A perfect shot cut through the Beowolf's head, causing more to come forward. Ruby landed, before flipping up over another Grimm, shooting down and killing it. Then, bringing her weapon forward, she shot down another Grimm, and quickly burst a shot to her right, where another Beowolf nearly hit her. She rolled backwards from the recoil, and began to transform her weapon into a Giant Scythe.

A single Beowolf came forth, and Ruby brought down her weapon, just so the blade hung behind the neck. The wolf-like being growled at her, and she could almost catch the horrid stench of its breath. Imagine burning ash mixed with rotting flesh. Yeah. Bad. Ruby only smirked at the Beowolf, before pulling the trigger, the recoil pushing the blade through the Grimm's abdomen. More Beowolves came charging, and Ruby was prepared. She cocked Crescent Rose and aimed. Beowolves were soon being cut down like corn at the harvest, each falling one after another. One Beowolf made it to her and swiped at her, hoping to take her down, but she just jumped and took a shot, pushing her back from the recoil.

Next Ruby balanced herself on Crescent Rose's hilt, as more wolves came from the forest. One pounced, but she dodged, with her hand still on the trigger, and fired, hitting one wolf, and kicking down the other. The other came at her, but she began to twirl her weapon with grace and deadliness, slicing down one Grimm, before cutting another behind her in half, then spinning her blade through another in front of her, and just catching a Beowolf by its neck, before firing down, decapitating it.

Two more Grimm charged, but Ruby caught one by the stomach, then firing, cutting down the first, and shooting down the second behind it. The top half of one wolf hit another, felling it, and more came out. Ruby dodged two, before severing an arm, then its legs. She moved on, hooking the scythe on a Beowolf's neck, then flipping up to balance on its back, and taking a shot, shooting herself upwards along with a severed head. She looked down only to see more.

Nonetheless, she spun her scythe, catching a wolf with a bullet, and slicing up another, but was caught off-guard by the third creature, which managed to swipe at her, hitting her scythe and sending her backwards.

By now, Ruby was starting to tire. She barely had a scratch, but as she looked forward, she saw the rest of the pack, numbering to almost 30 or 40. But she loaded a gravity dust cartridge while taking deep breaths

She stood ready, and burst forward with incredible speed. The wolves could barely process what was happening before limbs, heads and empty shells began flying around while a red blur of rose petals and blurs of movement sped through the pack. Ruby, on the other hand was utterly focused, and fluent in her movement, making each round and swipe count, each attack and movement felling an enemy.

RWBY Vol 1-3:The Dragons of Remnant (Slight rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now