Pre-spray Jeremiah Having a Crush on You/How Would He React

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This was a request on Wattpad! Have more Jeremiah!


Okay head over heels

I feel like for Jeremiah this would be love at first sight

He would make it his number one goal to learn everything about you

Borderline stalkerish but I don't think he'd care all that much

"I saw the nicest shoes yesterday! I might save up for them."

You'll have the shoes the next day as a gift from Jeremiah

No, you did not say what store you saw them in or what they even looked like but you don't really think about that until days later and you're like "wait--"

Lots of flowers

Love poems but you won't see them

Jeremiah loves hugging you, or just physical contact in general

He would come up with excuses just to touch you

That being said, if you guys ever cuddle, he'd never want to let you go

Would totally let you wear his glasses because he thinks you look cute in them

If you do get any love poems, he wouldn't put his name, but he would leave clues in each one to see if you'll figure it out because let's face it, our baby is a nerd who loves puzzles and riddles I mean look at that damn labyrinth

He definitely daydreams about going on dinner dates with you

You will always be his first priority

One day he'll tell you how much you mean to him and when that happens, you'll have a very flustered ginger 

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