New Year's Destruction (Jerome x Reader)

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The later in 2020 you read this, the funnier it is. Happy New Year, kids and sorry this took 500 years


 "I don't think this is a good idea..." You watched Jerome as he moved around the room.

"It's a wonderful idea! Come on, doll. You always stay behind when I go have some fun but this time I want you with me. What are ya so nervous about?"

"Getting caught! And it's New Year's Eve! We'll be--"

"On the news? That's the idea, toots." Jerome already knew why you were so hesitant in joining him. "You're so worried about what others think."

"Well--that's not the only reason!" You shot back, "I don't want to be on TV..."

"Don't act so bashful! When you're out there, you're gonna feel so much better!" Jerome wrapped his arms around you, "it's like giving a speech!"

"That's not a very good comparison, Jerome." You sighed as he chuckled.

"Come on. I want to spend New Year's Eve with my doll~" the ginger cooed, "and I won't take no for an answer."

Well, you couldn't talk your way out of this one. Jerome grinned and pinched your cheeks as you pouted.

"I promise it'll be fun! We'll even get to see some fireworks!"


"I was painfully clear putting in my request, good sir." Jerome's gun lightly tapped the employee's forehead causing him to stutter and cower back, "I want the shiniest, most expensive necklace you have for my doll. They're very picky, isn't that right?" He looked over at you.

"I expect nothing less~" you were having way more fun than you wanted to admit. Jerome was right and you kind of wished you'd done this much sooner.

"You heard them, so chop chop!" The gun went off and just missed the man as Jerome pulled it back, "whoops. Butterfingers." He cackled as you laughed.

His green eyes watched the employee shakily hand you a necklace you had been eyeing throughout the whole ordeal.

"Perfect!" You put the necklace on and grinned as Jerome clapped.

"You look wonderful~" the ginger cooed, walking towards you, "the night is young! Let us carry on." With a dramatic bow, he handed you the gun, "would you like to do the honor?"

"Why of course~" you returned his bow and took the gun. The employee's begging didn't last very long; you didn't hesitate to pull the trigger.

"For someone who didn't want to go out, you seem to be enjoying yourself." Jerome teased.

"You were right, I'm not even nervous anymore." You smiled, "let's keep going before the cops catch up!"

Terrorizing the city with Jerome would soon be your new favorite thing to do. All the reasons you had against it vanished as soon as you started and you knew in the end, you wouldn't be able to keep all the gifts you got for New Year's, but it was certainly the gesture that you appreciated. Jerome was determined to bring you out of your shell and he wasn't disappointed when he succeeded. When things were coming to an end, Jerome dragged you to the top of a building and you both sat on the ledge, looking over the city.

"You know, we're definitely getting arrested after this." You leaned forward a bit once you noticed police cars were getting closer.

"But that's such a predictable way to end the night, ______." Jerome sighed. "Besides, I can only imagine the look on everyone's face once they see you on the news with me." He grinned at you.

"Someone sounds like that weren't fond of me keeping them a secret." You side-eyed him.

"Well, I'm not a secret anymore. We can talk about that later."

"Mhm," you teased, "let's end this with a bang. I was promised fireworks."

"That you were, my dear." Jerome cooed. "Let's press the button together~"

"Of course," you grinned, eyeing the button once the ginger pulled it out.

"Still feeling bashful knowing our faces are gonna be everywhere?" There was a mischevious glint in Jerome's green eyes.

You pulled him close, kissing him as you both pressed the button in his hand. Laughter left the both of you as fireworks erupted from a nearby building. "That answer your question?"

The ginger grinned at you as you poked his nose. "Happy New Year," you cooed.

Jerome grabbed your hand and stood, pulling you up with him. "Let's tear this city apart."

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