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  “There you go!” Paul announced as he finished the third lantern.

“It’s beautiful. Thank you, Paul.” I smiled at him.

“Not a problem at all, Aniah. You need more help?”

“No, this will do. Thanks again.”

He just winked at me and rose up to his seat. He probably got some works to do. He was just too generous to help me out even though there are a lot of concerns with the households.

As I looked at the finished lantern, my stomach started to grumble. I went to the kitchen, I’m hungry. Papa is upstairs with Jai. He hasn’t seen me yet, but he knew that I’m here.
One of their chambermaid saw me and offered me a sweet, but I declined, “Thank you, I can manage.”

The hour ticks away, I went to the living room after I finished up my food. I saw papa, uncle and aunt coming down the stair.

“Hello, Aniah. Did you have a dinner yet?”

“Hey there, uncle, aunt, papa. I did. How’s Jai?” I asked.

I can see a pang of pain in his eyes but he managed to smile, “He’s doing good”

I smiled, “Great!”

They both looked at me, in a sympathetic way. I even surprised myself for saying it, I know there is no chance for him to get well, the damage is worst, and Jai won’t cooperate well with the doctors but I have Faith.

“Can I go see him?” I asked

“Yes, you can.” Aunt smiled.

“Don’t push him to the edge, sweetheart.”


They all laugh and I sniggered. I ran up the stairs and I budge at the door causing him to almost jump. I giggled. “My bad…” I went to sit on his bed, “hey, I got some lanterns downstairs, wanna help me out?”

He looked at me as if saying, ‘Are you crazy right now?’

“Come on, don’t be such a baby.” I gently tugged his loose T-shirt.

He shook his head like a boy. Then he look at me. I can’t read his expression so I ask why.

He transferred his sight outside the window. I know he doesn’t want to bother letting me read his expression. So I assumed he wants me to open the curtain, even though I know he wants me to stop doing this. I went to the curtains and opened it wide, the crisp of the air bites and I immediately turn on the heat as I saw him shiver.

“I’ll be down stair, keep your eyes open. Paul helped me made the sky lanterns tonight so please, watch it.” I clasped my palm together begging him like a little girl.

I ran towards the door and down the stairs, I grabbed the lanterns and the lighter at the steps of the porch.

I stood exactly where I inflated the lantern the last time, I lit up the three of them and quickly ran upstairs to his room.

“Oh, gosh!” I panted as I lie on his bed. I know he’s looking at me. “I need exercise don’t I?” I looked at him.

He looked at my belly and shrugged as if saying ‘look at the mirror and say for yourself’.

Good thing I know him or else I wouldn’t know that he’s insulting me.

I rolled my eyes and I saw a light creeping inside the room I sat up and looked at the first sight of the first lantern. Then the second and the third.

“It’s beautiful.” I sighed.

From the corner of my eye, I saw his solemnity as he watched it. He’s so peaceful and handsome. I cannot read his expression, then I heard him sigh softly, then his jaw flexed.

“Remember our promise Jai?” he looked at me, then to the lantern. “You said you want me to shine on my own. And you want me to be happy, well I am happy.” I smiled at him, and somehow, I saw his face lit up, with happiness? I don’t know. “And you said” I cleared my throat to mimic his voice “if that lantern is you, I will let you go so that you’ll look after for me,” I laughed at how stupid I sound, he smiled.

I looked back at the lantern, “Well I guess you can’t do that now, so I will just have to do it for you… for now.”

And from the corner of my eye, I saw something glittered in his eyes.

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