Part 5

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Sorry I haven't updated I've been super busy with school damn it's gonna be the death of me

Y/n pov
I followed the boys through a door each of us carrying ALOT of snacks and drinks walking down the stairs each of us must of dropped about 10 things each. As we walked down I started to see more of Gerard's room it was actually a lot cleaner than I thought it would be it's like a little house down here. He had a punch bag in the far right corner a tv on the wall a bed infront of the tv. In the middle of the room he had a red carpet with a table and a couch then at the end of the room was a door which led to a bathroom next to the door he had a wardrobe and drawers. He also had a fridge. Damn I wish my room was like this he even had band posters everywhere. After a while the guys were clicking their fingers infront of my face "HEY FUCK FACE WHERE YA AT!" Frank shouted ya know for a small person he's loud. I blinked a few times "I'm here fuck face shut up" I said firmly to him as I dumped the snacks on the bed since the guys filled the couch. "DIBS NOT GETTING THE DROPPED SNACKS!!" The guys shouted in unison. "Seriously shut the fuck up donna is asleep ya dulls I will get them it fine" I giggled. I walked over to the dropped snacks and grabbed them all and ran back down the stairs and threw them on the bed with the rest of the snacks. After I dumped the snacks down I ran and dived on the guys crushing them "ahhh" they all groaned "ya know you guys are comfortable" I said getting comfortable. "So what do you fuckers want to watch?" Gerard asked "uhhh let's watch twilight" I said grinning "no" frank replied firmly "I'm up for it" ray asked smiling "thank you" I gestured to ray dramatically "I like twilight" Gerard smirked "fineeeee" frank whined. Gerard grabbed the remote and flicked through netflix and clicked on twilight and we watched it while munching on snacks.

After the film we were all tired except Gerard of course he decided to eat all the sugary candy so he is now hyper. Ray had already passed out on the couch frank was almost asleep to he was dropping off whilst I turned the tv off and turned the lights off. I guided a giggly Gerard to the bed he just messed around for a while.
After a hour or two I decided it was time to sleep as we all had school the next day. "Get to sleep gerard we have school tomorrow. I'll sleep on the floor over there okay?" I asked whilst standing up. "No you can sleep here with me if you want. The floor is uncomfortable." He said "okay thanks" I said shyly. I climbed into bed and snuggled into the pillow and laid there silently thinking about a few things that I remember quite often.

Gerard pov
I let y/n sleep in my bed with me because the floor is genuinely uncomfortable but I like her I really do I haven't known her long what is this girl doing to me damn. She's been silent for a while I think she's asleep so I'll just put an arm round her body nothing serious. The guys were snoring their heads off how the hell sleep now. "I love you" I whispered in y/n ear. Shit! I didn't mean to say that it slipped out I meant to think it. Fuck! What if she heard me. No she's asleep like I need to okay I'll sleep now.

Y/n pov
"I love you y/n" hold on wait he did just say- oh shit mannnn ooo stay calm damn Jesus lord I smiled to myself and muttered "I love you to" I'm not sure if he heard that. I'll ask him in the morning
Sorry I haven't updated I've been real busy at school since I got back I'll try better to update but don't get mad at me if I don't

Thanks for reading love you guys 🖤

The new girl - gerard way x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora