part 7

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y/n pov

"I love you y/n" hold on wait did he just say- oh shit mannnn ooo stay calm damn Jesus lord. I smiled to myself and muttered "I love you too" I'm not sure if he heard that. ill ask him in the morning.

-the next morning-

Gerard pov

my eyes flickered open and saw y/n sleeping peacefully I looked down and noticed that my arm was around her small body. I just drifted back to sleep as my alarm hasn't gone off yet.


Its been 2 minutes fuck sake. "Gerard turn your fucking alarm off!" frank yelled whilst standing up. "keep your damn voices down its too early" y/n moaned "what she said" Mikey said sitting up rubbing his eyes and heading to the bathroom. I laughed whilst leaning over to turn the alarm off. then Mikey came out and frank went into the bathroom "Good morning guys" ray smiled. "ray why you got to be so nice" y/n giggled. ray rolled his eyes then frank came out from the bathroom "GET DRESSED YOU LAZY FUCKS WE AE GOING TO BE LATE!"  frank yelled "calm the fuck down we still got an hour" y/n said annoyed "but I want coffee" frank whined "fair enough boys get your asses up I agree with frank on this one" she shot up and joined frank and put an arm around his shoulder. I got to admit this made me kind of jealous. with that we  got dressed and headed to the coffee shop not far from my house. We walked in our usual formation me up front I made sure y/n was beside me then frank and mikey just behind then ray at the back.

we arrived at the coffee shop and sat at the table in the back corner we still had half an hour till we had to catch the bus.

we finished our coffees and we all went to the bathroom before we left. Me and the guys were alone now so we could talk. "so..." frank started with a grin "so?" I questioned confused "oh come on" Mikey laughed "what?!" "you and y/n duh" ray laughed "what about it?" I raised an eyebrow "you even said you have a crush on her dumbass you two were literally eye fucking each other just then!" frank raised his voice a little and laughed "shhh not so loud. okay number one its been one day a crush could change don't jump to conclusions. number two we were not eye fucking don't be disgusting" I said trying to hide that they were kind of right but we definitely were not eye fucking and it has only been one day so on the other hand I was right. "okay fine keep lying to yourself if you would like to wait to make the move you do you buddy but do not fuck it up. now lets go before she thinks we are having a shit or a make out sesh is it?" ray said walking off laughing with the rest off the guys. I stood in shock I have never heard ray speak like that before he literally acts like an innocent 7 year old.

whilst walking to the bus stop y/n gabbed me by the wrist "I needa talk to you, you boys keep walking" oh shit did I do something wrong? she waited for the boys to walk further from us then we started walking slowly behind. "so last night..." she started is this about what I said. shit she heard me didn't she. well I mean I heard her say it back so it cant be that bad. "I heard you say you love me? did you mean it?" "what I uh-" my hands were sweating and I felt the butterflies in my stomach. "yes I meant it I don't tell people I love them for the fun of it. I know I only met you yesterday but its weird I feel something between us." "gee I don't know if you heard me but I said it back.." "yes I heard you y/n" I smirked confidence building up again. But even though she's usually this badass confident small girl she looks shy "stop smirking butthead!" she laughed and nudged me "so what are we gonna do about this situation?" I asked "I think we should stay friends for a while so we can get to know each other more and all the like OmG I fElL In LoVe WiTh mY bEsTfRiEnD aHa SuCh FuN!" I laughed at her impression of a rich kid "okay sounds good to me I laughed" "alright ill race your slow ass to the bus stop!" we started running and she beat me "aha told ya you were slow" she giggled not even out of breath. the guys cheered and gave her high fives whilst I was panting like a dog "oh......shut...... up...." just then the bus came around the corner and we all got on and walked the back.

y/n pov

the bus came around the corner and I walked behind the guys to the back of the bus. as we were walking I could hear the rich snobs giggling an snickering but I decided to ignore them. for once in my goddamn life. once we got to our seats I sat in the middle of the five seated back row. I heard the blondes voice. "Oh look she IS a whore how many boys she got with her today? four? oh my she IS a slut isn't she?!" I laughed. the guys looked at me in shock except Gerard he knew what I was about to do so he smirked and whispered In my ear "give em hell" and squeezed my leg. I smirked and stood up. frank mouthed to Gerard 'what the fuck' Gerard grinned and mouthed back 'watch' I slowly made my way to her "so did you forget about yesterday my love? oh honey that was a warning" I grinned. as I stood in front of her I fake pouted "poor baby what's wrong? got daddy or mommy issues?" I whined as I run my had through her blonde curled hair. I got close to her and whispered "but I don't give a fuck" I quickly grabbed all of her hair and yanked her head down to my knee then threw her out of her seat and launched her on the floor and kicked her in the stomach and leaned down "I hope you have learned your lesson" then slapped her. her group looked at me in horror. I looked at them "and now any of you small minded people want to try what she did be my guest" I smirked and gestured to Ashley laying on the floor. I walked back to the guys and sat down. "what the fuck.... you are a fucking queen..." frank said with his jaw dropped. "uhhh I think a little too much y/n" ray said shocked "stop being a mom think of how many people she's bullied. trust me I know what it feels like to be bullied and beaten up knocked unconscious. its bitches like that who deserve it." I said ray just nodded and smiled "shut up ray remember what she done to you before?" frank asked. ray looked sad now he just nodded. "what did she do to my princess fro fro?" I asked he shook his head. I turned to Gerard and raised my eyebrow "she put him in the hospital because she spiked his drink and then raped him" he whispered in my ear. I was  now more angry than ever. "who has a scissors?" I asked. "uhhh here" Gerard handed me scissors from his bag "what why?" ray asked worried "sweet revenge" I grinned. he looked more confused than ever. I walked back to her and cut her hair off but unevenly so there was nothing she could do she hadn't noticed yet because I did it quietly. I reached down in my pocket to find a lighter and I set her hair on fire and quickly ran back to the guys. ray was now laughing as he knew why I done it and that made me happy. we got to school just in time and she ran off the bus and tipped water from her water bottle on her head. The bus driver pulled me aside "what were you thinking?!" I smirked "reasons" I didn't want to say why because its rays business and nobody needs to know. the bus driver rolled his eyes "don't do it again or ill kick you off the bus. I wont report to the school or police as its the first time but don't do it again am I understood?" "aye aye captain" I saluted and  walked off the bus laughing "what did he want?" Mikey asked concerned "don't do it again blah blah blah " I rolled my eyes. Mikey laughed and slapped his wrist and pointed a finger at me "tsk tsk tsk" I got on my knees fake crying "IM SORRY!!" he laughed and helped me up. "well then we got an hour to do fuck all." Gerard grinned "usual spot out back have a smoke and do some dumb poop I say. lets go" frank said in a posh voice "ladies first" I gestured for them all to walk. they laughed "would you like a piggy back ride miss?" Gerard kneeled down a little for me to jump on "how kind" I jumped on his back "onward!" Gerard yelled and we all walked to the back of the school. Gerard put me down and we all talked and smoked and climbed trees just then the head mistress and Ashley and her group came down. the head of the school rolled her eyes at the boys because they were smoking and being goofs "miss y/l/n I believe we need to have a chat"

I wonder what will happen next

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